Chapter 13

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I sat on the sofa with Leigh-Anne, we were watching a movie but I wasn't paying attention on the movie at all. I was too busy thinking about the Halloween party. I remember how she pressed her body fully against mine and I felt something warm on my belly. She wanted me... I honestly don't know If I'm ready. I mean, I love Jade and I'm often fantasizing about us in her bed, with her laying naked underneath me an-

Well, the point is, I don't know if I'm ready but Jade is able to turn me on badly sometimes and I've never felt like that with anyone.

"Perrie?" Leigh waved her hand in front of my face and I blinked repeatedly; her hand snapping me out of my trance.


"You've been staring down at your lap since the movie started, wanna tell me what's wrong?" Leigh asked and I sighed, she knows me too well.

"Nothing, It's nothing important." I shook my head, my eyes focusing back at the tv screen. She got up and positioned her body in front of my face so I couldn't see anything.

"Perrie Louise Edwards, don't you dare lie to me, I know something's wrong so spill it," she said, putting her hands on her waist, trying to intimidate me.

"Well...." I paused and she got back to her seat, sitting cross legged and pressing the close button on the remote, before looking at me. "go on,"

"that night at the halloween school party, me and Jade kind of... made out in her classroom, and things got really heated at one point, I wrapped my legs around her waist... but when I did, our bodies pressed and I felt something warm on my belly....It was her's....err.." Leigh's eyes widened. I expected her to say something but instead she laughed, and hard. I was just sitting there, pouting, while she laughed madly.

"S-s-sorry, but, what's wrong with it?" Leigh asked while wiping some tears at the corner of her eyes.

"the fact is that, I don't know if I'm ready... I mean, I want her, yes, badly, but what if she's already done it and won't like it? I mean, I have no experience whatsoever," I explained, fiddling with my fingers.

"Listen, Pez, I think you should tell her about it, confront her. I think it would make both you and her feel better, trust me. Plus, Jade really loves you so I'm sure she won't force you into anything if you don't want to." Leigh smiled reassuringly and I nodded, smiling back. What she said is right, I have to talk to Jade about it.


the bell rang, and everyone started packing up their things, leaving hurriedly for their next classes. I sighed, looking up at Jade who was already looking, and smiling at me. As everyone was out, I got up, locking the door and walked over to her. She wrapped her arms around my waist, her face getting closer and closer to my ear, "I missed you." she whispered, shivers running down my spine, as usual.

"I missed you too." I said truthfully, nuzzling my head into her neck, pecking it softly, "Jade we need to talk." it left my mouth before I could think about it and she pulled back slightly, looking at me intently.

"What's up?" I sighed, breathing in and out before taking her hand in mine's.

"Last friday, at the halloween party, when we were making out in your classroom and... I wrapped my legs around you, I felt something warm on my belly.." I paused for a second and tightened the grip on her hand, "I know I'm probably blowing this out of proportion, but, d-do you..."

"Perrie, listen, I love you, ok? Yes, it's true... that night I wanted you, I did, I was badly turned on, but I know that you're not 17 yet and you are not ready, I understand it and I don't want to force you into anything ok? Whenever you feel ready, we'll do it. I don't care if I have to wait years for it, I don't care, your love is enough for me." she finished, looking at me with pure honesty in her eyes. I smiled, pressing my lips on hers briefly.

"I love you Jade, I love you so much, I want to do it with you but I'm just not ready yet" I wrapped my arms around her neck, kissing her again. I felt her smile into the kiss and I smiled as well, giving all the passion and love I had into that kiss.

She's so perfect. I love her.


Me and Perrie sat on the sofa, cuddled under a blanket. Her legs were wrapped around mine's and I had her arms around her neck, her head resting on my shoulder. We were stealing kisses now and then, focusing our attention back on the movie. It was perfect just like that. I was honestly happy that she told me about her doubts earlier, and decided to clear them up, I don't care if she's not ready for sex yet, I love her, and if I have to wait another 2 years for her, I will. I'm not gonna lie, she can be very sexy and seductive and I love that, I would love to have sex, no, make love with her, but if she's not ready, I won't force her.

I love her too much and I don't want to lose her, she's too important to me.


This is awfully short, I know, sorryyy :( you horny shippers probably thought I would make a smut chapter already eheh didn't you? ;) anyway, I'm sorry for how short this is but it was my firsty day of school today and I'm so fucking tired... I promise I will try to make the next one longer :) x

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