I Open at the Close

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The war was over. Voldemort was gone. So much had happened in the past few weeks.

Voldemort thought he had killed Harry but he had not. Harry met Dumbledore in a vision. Voldemort called students to join his side.
Draco walked over.
Harry returned which shocked Voldemort. Harry, Ron and Hermione had destroyed the horcruxes. War and mayhem and death was everywhere.

Neville killed the snake which was the last horcrux. Voldemort thought he was the master of the Elder wand but he was not. He made mistakes. And Harry was determined to fix them. Harry eventually killed Voldemort.

So much had happened. Harry soon realised that he was not the true master of the Elder wand either. The wand must be his. Harry knew that he must be the one to own it.

He planned to take the Elder wand off the unsuspecting owner.
Only when the time was right.
At the moment, Harry felt so broken and wounded on the inside. All he had was Ron and Hermione. So many people had died in the war.

The Ministry was extremely busy as more and more death eaters pleaded guilty. It was an era of restoration and getting back on track to life. A future without darkness.

Harry had just gotten back from Australia with Ron and Hermione. They had found Hermione's parents there and gave them their memories back which Hermione had taken before the war just in case she died so that her parents would never remember or mourn for their sweet daughter. They had all sacrificed and lost so much.

Apparently many people were repairing Hogwarts after the war and were putting things back together.
At the peak of war, the trio had not gone to Hogwarts for their 7th year as they were hunting horcruxes. Hermione was now planning to go back to Hogwarts to do her 7th year which she missed. She had also convinced Harry to go back. Ron was still not fully convinced yet.
Tomorrow, they planned to go to Diagon Alley to get their supplies.
Ginny would be going with them as she was one year behind them and she did not skip a year so she would also be in her 7th year.
Harry and Ginny really liked eachother but he just felt so disconnected and lost.
It was going to be an interesting year at Hogwarts...

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