Misunderstood Malfoy

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Harry's P.O.V

Fortunately, I had not encountered Malfoy today.
I did not stay anywhere for too long and I knew that he would not dare coming to the dormitories again or even coming within a few inches of me.
These vicious rumours that had spread would cause even more trouble.
If he came near me, he would only be adding more flames to this burning fire of rumours.

I sat onto my bed, skipping dinner. I knew that Malfoy would be too desperate to get his diary and I did not want him to see me at dinner.
Anyways, the contents of this diary will probably be juicy enough to make my appetite go away.

The last time I had opened this diary, I did not have the opportunity to have a proper look at it.
I had only seen a page about Malfoy not wanting the Dark mark and how he pleaded to not have it.
I also could tell that he had a complicated relationship with his parents.

Hands trembling, I opened the diary.
It felt so wrong looking through somebody's personal diary.

But this is Malfoy that we are talking about.
The rest of his diary will probably be filled with boring, irrelevant and perhaps offensive stuff to other students.

I began to turn through the pages.
I had not expected to see any of this.
Arguments, sadness, death, regret, depression and hate.
Everything was haunting. Every picture. Every memory and every recorded moment in this diary was twisted and dark and pitiable.

Some pages showed Malfoy regretting his actions. It showed how he never wanted to be a deatheater.
It showed him trying to curse himself and heal himself and trying numerous methods so he could get rid of the mark. But it never went.

There was a picture of when Malfoy joined the side of Voldemort. Angry messages were written on the sides of how he should not have moved. How he should have never join the death eaters. 
Yet if he did not, it would cost him his family. 
He had never wanted to be a deatheater.

He had never wished for this.
He was never proud of who he was or what he had done.
He considered himself a coward.

For someone to be so misunderstood and for them to be so different on the outside, yet so emotional and sensitive and guilty on the inside...
It was just mind-boggling. 

I could not read any more.
I would have to give this back to Malfoy.
There was a reason he never wanted a soul to see this. 
But where can I find him?

I am not going to the Slytherin dorms and I can't be seen around him.

I yawned. My eyes began to close. I quickly placed the diary in a safe place and fell asleep.

I woke up with a start. It was very late at night now and everybody was asleep.
I had been awoken by constant nightmares.
I sighed, groaning. 
These nightmares had lost me my sleep. 
As I was not getting back to sleep soon, I decided I should go out in the night for a walk.

I tossed on my slippers and head out into the hallway. 
I was holding the marauders map, in case any Professors were wandering around. 
Whilst I looked on the map, I saw Malfoy.
It showed him to be in the school grounds.
He was not asleep?

I guess I knew where to find him now. 

Draco's P.O.V

I was being pestered by nightmares again and I simply couldn't sleep. 
Especially not when I knew that Potter had my diary.
What was I going to do?

Suddenly, I heard a noise behind me. I went cold.
I immediately spun around and cast a stunning spell.
The person immediately blocked it and the force nearly knocked me over.
"Relax. It's just me." Potter said, introducing himself. 
UGH. Potter. He was using the Elder wand. What did he want?

"Potter. Where is my diary?" I asked. 
I had the urge of knocking him out, but that would result in my knocking myself out. 

"Give me my diary!" I urged.
"Hmmm. Have I got it?" Potter teased. 
"Oh you better. Or else I will curse you to death." I threatened. 
Potter chuckled. 
"Feeling suicidal are we?  We are still bound together and any pain you bring to me, you bring to yourself." He said.
"Here is your diary." He sighed, before passing it over.

I grabbed it gratefully.
"Why are you awake anyway?" He asked.
"Nevermind. I just couldn't sleep." I muttered.
"Me too." Potter said, looking into the distance.
"Why?" I asked curiously.
"I don't know." He snapped. 
"What about you?" He asked.
I hesitated.  I remained silent.

Potter sighed and began to walk away. I then muttered, "Nightmares."
Potter couldn't have heard me.

As he walked away, he turned around. 
"I know. It's ok. I have them too." He replied and began walking away. 
I was stunned. There was no way he could have heard me. How did he know?
Ugh. The diary. He better not have read it.

"Potter, wait." I called.
He spun around and looked at me, a twisted smile on his face...

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