Dementors and Predicaments

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Harry's P.O.V

I was dragged into a huge room by a group of huge, threatening guards. The room they took me in was relatively bare of furniture, other than some strange machinery that was in the corner of the room. I had no idea what was going on. Anxiety caused my fingers to shake. I hoped that the others were Ok. I wondered what unspeakable things Umbridge was putting them through in that wretched arena.
The feeling inside me told me that Draco as unhurt. For now at least. None of us were safe.
I thought about trying to escape and sending a distress signal to everyone at Hogwarts and in the ministry. 
At that moment, the guards disappeared and Umbridge entered the room, a smug expression on her face.

"What do you want?" I hissed.

"Ah, Potter. How lovely to see that you survived the arena up till now. Why don't we start with me asking you how you took down the wards?" Umbridge interrogated.

"That's none of your business." I spat.

"Oh. Well, I'm afraid it is." Umbridge sighed dramatically. 

"No matter. I will found out soon enough how you did what you did. And even if I don't, I can force the truth out of your friends." She chuckled. 

"You wouldn't touch them." I said, looking her in the eye.

"I guess we'll see. For now, you must be wondering why I brought you here." She began. 

I remained silent.

"The truth is that I am conducting experiments and research. And I wasn't answers. Only you can give them to me. There is nothing you can do to stop me and nobody outside the arena can stop us either. I will be too far in the experiment by the time anyone can help you." Umbridge said, eyeing me up and down. 

"I would have said that it was nice knowing you, but I do not tell lies." Umbridge said, a wicked smile, on her round face.

"Why don't we start by taking your wand?" She said.

I was rooted to the spot with fear. I stared at the Elder wand and suddenly shot a spell at her. 

Umbridge flew backwards into the wall. A few glasses bottles in the room smashed and coloured liquid flooded the floor.
Umbridge got back up shooting multiple curses continuously.

I blocked most of them, yet one hit me in the chest.

I dropped to the ground, howling in pain. I clutched my side, gasping in shock.

I collapsed onto the floor, my body sprawled over it like a corpse.

The shadow of Umbridge loomed over me like a monster and snatched the Elder wand out of my trembling hand.

"We will be getting started soon." She said bluntly.

And just then, everything went black.

Draco's P.O.V

My heart was racing. The guard had apparated with me into the arena yet I did not recognise this place. It was as if I was inside a cellar. An old door was in the corner of the room. The cellar seemed quite large and had high stone walls.
Above me, I spotted a small hole in the wall from which light poured in. I suspected that I was still somewhere in the arena. I hoped the others were safe.

Just as I attempted to sprint out of here, the guard pulled a wand out of his dark robes and shot a curse at me.

I flew backwards into the hard stone wall and gasped in pain.
I groaned in agony and shot a death stare at the tall guard who did not react to anything I was doing.

The guard then strode out of the cellar and slammed the door shut. Shortly afterwards, the knob on the door began to glow which caused me to suspect that the door had been locked.

Why were they doing this?

I thought they wanted the rest of us to kill eachother. So why were they locking us up? Were they just going to leave us here to die?

Several thoughts swam around my head, causing my head to hurt.
I was anxious. I prayed that Harry was ok. I had no idea what Umbridge intended to do with Harry but I knew that it was nothing good.

At least If Harry was hurt, then I would feel the pain as well.
I would rather go down with him than have one of us go down alone.

It seemed to have only been a few minutes whilst I was lost in thought when Suddenly, pain shot through my body.
I screamed.

More pain started spreading through the side of my body and I howled in agony, my screams echoing across the cellar.

I felt as if I had been knocked out. I started to feel dizzy and I struggled to remain conscious.

What was happening to Harry?

I whimpered in worry and pain and I suddenly felt empty.

I dreaded to think what had happened.
I pinched myself to stay awake.

I prayed that Harry was only asleep or unconscious.

After a short period of time, more pain went through me.

I shrieked loudly, fearing that my ears would explode. I felt as if something had been put through my body. I felt like I was being held down and things were being attached to me.
I felt as if I were being experimented on. Nausea spread across my body. I suspected that my face had turned to a shade of pale green.

I hoped that Harry was unconscious and he wasn't feeling this pain as much as I was. 

Paralysed with pain, I passed out.

It felt like It had only been a few minutes before I woke up again, covered in sweat.

My body was aching and hurting all over.

Suddenly, the room went cold.

Not that it wasn't already cold. But this was a cold that chilled me to my bones.
I instantly felt miserable.

The very little light that was in the cellar disappeared.

Dark shadows had appeared in the room. 

I struggled to see, yet I soon made out the shapes. 


I breathed heavily. I felt as if I were being suffocated.

They slowly drifted towards me. 

I panicked. I could not perform a patronus charm. I vaguely remembered how to perform one. I had practiced it before yet I simply couldn't do it.

The dementors would suck out my soul. I would die.

They hovered above me, as if they were just about to kill me, expecting me to say my last words. 

I had no idea what to say.

I struggled to speak and my body shook.

I felt so miserable. I couldn't even fight dementors off. I had failed this. After all, I had no happy memories. What could I do?

Thinking of my last words, I spoke. 

"Harry." I whispered to myself, on the verge of tears.

Harry was the only person I was thinking about. He was the only person on my mind. And I guess he was about to be the last person on my mind.

I could not do this. I was thinking about saving Harry and now I was just going to let myself die?

I had no idea what had happened to Harry. He couldn't be dead. If he was dead, then I would be too. I just wanted him to be alright. I could not risk him dying because of my misery.

I must fight back, I thought. 

My shaking hand reached for my wand which was on the floor. 

The Dementors were now in front of me. I had only one chance to attempt to save myself.

"Expecto Patronum!" I cried.

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