The Hearing

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In the Ministry Courtroom...

"Order!" Cried the Minister for magic and the murmuring people hushed and sat down.

There were more people than seats in the hall and a few people were standing up awkwardly. Clearly everyone was interested in how this would turn out.

Dolores Umbridge sat in the chair in the centre of the Courtroom, looking up at the Minister. 
Kingsley Shacklebolt had not been the Minister for long. Overall, he seemed to be a nice person, better than the previous Ministers.

Umbridge looked confident and stood up, facing the Minister defiantly.

"Umbridge. You have encouraged enough people to urge for this matter to be discussed, that we are here right now." Shacklebolt said.

"That is correct Minister." Umbridge smiled sweetly.
Yet the Minister could see the snarl hidden behind that fake smile.

"What is it that you wanted to discuss? I have heard that you have some plan which involves Harry Potter?" The Minster said, slightly questioningly.

"Indeed." Umbridge said.

"You see Minster, a few weeks ago, this idea formed in my head which drove me to create this plan." She began.

"As you know, Harry Potter has survived the Killing Curse not once, but twice. After the night in Godrics Hollow when Potter was an infant, I fear that something happened to Potter. He survived the killing curse and the spell rebounded on the dark Lord. I fear, that it not only left that scar, but complicated magic like this must have produced something, something magical inside him which makes him immune to the killing curse." Umbridge said, her voice rising to an enthusiastic shout.

"What do you propose?" The Minster asked, raising his eyebrow.

"I believe that we have the resources to do research, so why not do it?"

"You want to kill the boy?" He asked.

"Oh no, no. I have been over this. I do not want to kill the boy. I want him to permit our research."

"He will not give you permission! He saved the wizarding world. Why should he now have to face a group of people who can nof tolerate his immunity to the killing curse?" The Minster bellowed. 

Umbridge did not step back or even seem surprised.

Instead, her mouth curved into a wretched smile.

"Minister, I am not a fool. Why would that boy give permission to me? My plan is to hold a tournament, of sorts." Umbridge said.

The crowd of people in the room let out murmurs of uncertainty and surprise.

"What do you mean?" The Minster said, urging her to continue. 

"Minster. I believe that we should hold a sort of celebratory and symbolic tournament. I say that a group of students of Hogwarts shall be chosen to compete. They will be put against obstacles and eachother until one of them emerges as victorious." Umbridge cheered confidently.

The Minster did not seem too impressed.

"You want them to kill eachother?" He questioned. 

"Oh no. They may get injured, yet they certainly won't be killed. If they are beaten by another opponent, they will leave the tournament. Nobody will die." She explained. 

"Hopefully." She whispered to herself. 

You want to include Potter, then?" The Minster figured.

"That is correct. When Potter is caught or knocked out, I see no reason to 'experiment' on him. He won't be hurt that much. The tournament will be great to remind people that we are all strong and united after this war." Umbridge continued, winning over a few people.

"This is absurd." The Minster remarked.

Umbridge continued to be patriotic and persuasive as she continued to speak.

She was a clever lady, seductive in her ways of persuasion.

"How will the students in the tournament be chosen?" The Minster asked.

"We could choose people at random." She suggested.

"And Potter's name will just miraculously come out?" The Minster pointed out.

"Oh, it will be believable enough. People can't get enough of that boy." Umbridge snapped scornfully. 

"Well all he did was save the wizarding world." The minister replied calmly, an edge of sarcasm to his tone.

Defeated, the Minster spoke, "I guess we should vote."

"All in favour of this plan." The minister said, still unconvinced by the plan.

An alarming number of people but their hands up. 

Umbridge cast a death stare towards a few people who then also put their hands up.

Most people seemed to have been in favour.

"All those not in favour." The Minster said, raising his own hand.

A number of people raised their hands, yet not enough.

Umbridge had gained the majority.

The Minster looked around helplessly as people cheered for Umbridge's plan.
Some people cheered more forcefully than others.

"I will be watching over your every move, Umbridge." The Minster hissed.

"Certainly." She replied.

There was a moment of silence in the room.

"When will you begin with this tournament?" The Minster asked.

"Very soon I shall be going to Hogwarts." Umbridge smiled.

And with that, she triumphantly stormed out of the Courtroom...

Hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

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