The Elder Wand

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Harry sat upright in bed. He had a thought. He was no longer dreaming. Harry quickly reached for his trunk and pulled out a wand. Not just any wand. It was the Elder wand.
Snape and Dumbledore had planned all along for Snape to kill Dumbledore. Harry realised when he took snape's tears to the pensieve and saw his memories before he died. What Voldemort didn't know, was that  Draco Malfoy had been the one to disarm Dumbledore on the astronomy tower, being the 'death eater' that he was. 
Voldemort killed Snape, thinking that the wand would be Allegient to him. One night, the trio were hunting horcruxes. Harry had realised about Voldemort and the Elder wand. Some snatchers had captured the trio and had taken them to Malfoy Manor. Harry had tried to disarm Draco so he could become the next owner of the wand, but he failed. 
So when Harry, Ron and Hermione had destroyed all the horcruxes, Harry was able to defeat Voldemort. The Elder wand had failed Voldemort.
Yet the wand did not belong to Harry either. It belonged to Draco Malfoy, the boy who had the guts to raise his wand against Dumbledore. The foolish boy who did not have the strength to stand against wrong. Who said he wanted to be good anyway? Harry stopped thinking about this topic. It made his head hurt. Draco was completely oblivious to the fact that he owned the Elder wand. Harry hated him so much.
Harry took the Elder wand from Voldemort and had kept it since then.
He deserved the Elder wand. He killed Voldemort. After all, it was probably part of Dumbledore's plan for Harry to get the wand in the end.
Harry sighed.
Somehow he needed Draco to get the wand, so that he could then disarm him or defeat him, so that the Elder wand could truly belong to Harry.
This was something that Harry could plan later. He had so much hate and sadness in his heart after the war. He felt so empty and although he was surrounded by his friends, he felt lonely.
Harry desperately needed a plan. He began to calm himself down. He had the whole year to do it. He could not get caught. And Draco could never discover his plan.
Harry safely put the Elder wand away.
He groaned as he realised that he had Double Potions first thing tomorrow. He sighed, lay down onto the bed, and began to doze off into a dream-filled sleep.

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