The Deathmatch Begins...

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Harry's P.O.V

The guard had grabbed me, and we had apparated into the arena.
I looked around and he was no longer there.
I felt cold and worried, all sorts of thoughts whirling around my head.

I seems to be in an area of evenly-spaced trees. In the distance I could see a lake and ahead of me, there were quite a few rocks and past there, I spotted a few broken down buildings. There was a lot of stuff to take in.

I worried for Draco and Hermione. Would they be ok?
I would have to find them.

I had the Elder wand with me. I had hoped that none of the other competitors would attack me, and I was especially worried about what Umbridge was planning. 

For some reason I felt drawn towards the rocks. I felt tempted to go over them towards the broken buildings.
I could not apparate within the arena, so I decided to walk instead.

Draco's P.O.V 

I rubbed dust off of my clothes as I apparated into the arena.
I looked around me and saw that I was next to some ruins and broken buildings.

I hoped nobody else would find me right now. I just needed to find Harry.

I felt drawn towards the rocks that were the distance. Past them,  I spotted a small forest of trees. I knew that was where I should go.

There was a small cliff beside me. I looked over it and could see a lake somewhere down there.

I began to go down the rocks and near the lake I saw someone.

It was Hermione. 

I knew that it was good if I found her so that we could then find Harry.

Quietly, I began to hike towards her.
She was further away than I thought.

She had begun to walk somewhere else and and I hurried up to follow her.

As I got closer to her I was breathing heavily, making a lot of noise.

She obviously heard me and shrieked in fear as she spun backwards and shot a spell at me. 

Luckily, I blocked it.

She seems confused of what to do now.

"It's just me." I said, panting. 

"Oh, are you hurt?" She said, sounding concerned. 

"I'm fine." I said.

"Have you found Harry? Do you think anything has happened to him?" She asked.

"No, I'm pretty sure that he's fine. I think we'll be able to find eachother. I don't think the others really know about our bond and what it can do. I say that we should stick together." I explained.

Hermione nodded approvingly. 
I was not sure if she fully trusted me. I hoped she did. We couldn't turn on eachother.

"Let's get going then."

We began to travel towards where the forest was, hoping to find Harry.  

Hermione followed me cautiously, occasionally stopping you catch her breath. 

"Do you think Harry is ok?" She asked for the fifth time.

"Yes." I said, getting bored. 

I felt as if I was getting closer to him.

Suddenly from behind a pile of rocks appeared a figure, walking in our direction.

"Harry!" Hermione cried, running towards him, into his arms. 

"Harry." I said, relieved. 

I half-ran up to him and froze. Our arms were open as if we planned to embrace.

I put my arms back down and so did he.

"Good to see you." He muttered. 

Hermione watched us with an amused look on her face.

"Anyways." Harry said, changing the subject.

"What do we do now?" He asked.

"Well, I don't think we should hunt down the other students but..." I trailed off. 

"So we should let then find us." Harry sighed.

"I guess." I said, feeling horrible.

"How long are we even going to be in here?" Hermione asked, sounding irritated. 

"When can we go? Is anyone from the outside not doig anything to stop this? Can we not break down the wards? I mean, your bond is very..." Hermione could not finish her sentence as Harry suddenly hissed.

Hermione looked taken aback.

Suddenly, my arm shot up and I stroked his shoulder comfortingly.

Embarrassed, I bought my and back down. 

Harry did not seem to seem taken aback by the gesture.

"I said shush." Harry said to Hermione.

"They could be listening to our conversations right now." He warned.

"And about the thing... I don't know what it can do. What we can do. We just need to stay together." Harry said.
Hermione realised he was talking about the Aeternum Bond with Draco. 

"I guess we should settle somewhere or start a fire?" Draco suggested.

It was starting to get dark now, somehow. Maybe it was the sky from outside the arena, or maybe the arena had its own times of day, like the great hall at Hogwarts. Sometimes the ceiling would be shooting sparks of lightning, and sometimes you would be staring up at huge fluffy clouds.

I got that thought out of my head. I could not miss Hogwarts. We had barely spent any time in the arena. Who knows what would happen. 

"A fire would draw too much attention to us." Hermione sighed.

"I guess." I agreed.

"How do you think the other students feel about this?" Hermione asked.

"Do you think they would team up against us or would they not want to hurt us or..." Hermione continued listing all the possibilities. 

"I guess we're about to find out." Harry gasped. 

He gestured towards the nearby trees where two dark figures were sprinting towards us.

"Get your wands out!" Harry cried.

Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! :)

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