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His Secret•

I slowly open my eyes and adjust to the light and the first thing I see is Corinna and Kristen giggling.

I sit up and rub my eyes and look around the room, Liza's still asleep on the other side of the couch with her head facing me.

"What are you guys laughing at?" I whisper and rub my eyes.
"What's the time." I add and look for my phone.
"Where's my phone?!" I whisper yell and frantically look for it. I was definitely awake now.
"Don't worry, we have it." Corinna holds it up and a sigh of relief escapes my mouth but then panic come back when I see them texting someone.
"Hey give that back!" I whisper yell and grab my phone back. My face drops from a smile to worried when I see who they were texting.
I check the texts.
"Y/n" Kristen stops smiling, puts her hand on my shoulder and is now serious.
"You know Liza's been thinking of breaking it off with David for a while now..." She whispers.
I look over at Liza and she's sound asleep.
"So your assuming I have a thing for David?" I furrow my brows acting like I don't...
"Well yeah, have you seen the way you look at him, and the way he looked at you at the party yesterday was definitely something." Corina explains and smiles at Kristen who is smiling aswell.
"What about David? Is he think of breaking it off with her?" I ask. Whispering with a serious tone and expression.
"Well, if you scroll up you'll see that David wants to break it off too..." Corina says and they get quieter and look back over at liza who's still sound asleep.
"We know who you fancy y/n... you're easy to read" they giggle.
"You could have set me up with Matt or Jeff or something but no, you have to go with the one who's taken." I whisper yell throwing a hand in the air and read through the text messages.
"So... you're not into David?" Corinna asks a little worried.
"Well... A little but-" I whisper quietly and before I could explain I'm cut off.
"Our work here is done" Kristen says a little loudly and Liza wakes up.
"What" She rubs her eyes.
"Nothing." I whisper worriedly and look back at them.

I scroll through the texts they were sending. Luckily it was nothing out of hand and they were on the down low.

(This is the text conversation Corina and Kristen we're having with David pretending to be y/n);

Y/n- hi
David- Hey. What's up?
Y/n- nothing much, Just woke up. You?
David- i was just making some breakfast. So why you texting me this time in the morning?
Y/n- I wanted to ask a question but if you're busy it doesn't matter.
David- no I'm not busy, what's the question?
Y/n- well, I've noticed you and Liza haven't been acting like you guys are together. I wanted to know if you guys were ok... you don't have to answer if it's personal.
David- oh.. it's ok, i haven't told anyone this but recently I've been feeling like I don't love her in a romantic way anymore and just as a friend... idk I guess I've just lost feelings for her.
Y/n- oh. Does she know?
David- I feel like she's getting the hint that I'm not interested in her anymore.
Y/n- so you're interested in someone else?
David- well.. maybe, maybe not.
Y/n- who?
David- I'm not telling you.. at least until I break it off with Liza.
Y/n- okay, I understand.
David- Thanks, I've got to get ready to vlog with Josh. I'll talk to you later.
Y/n- yep, see you soon.

Thank GOD they didn't go overboard...

After a while I head home with D/n and stop at a pet store to grab food and a few other things.

I get home and pour D/n some food when I get a text from Zane.

Zane- Hey Baby! Can I come over and hang with you? Hope D/n's not camera shy.
Y/n- yea that's fine! Come over whenever you want.
Zane- see you soon then

At the party Zane and I made quick best friends. He was really sweet and funny and I talked to him about everything. He was a really good listener.

I hear a knock on my door followed by it slightly opening.
"Heeyyyyy" he sang and D/n ran up to him and licked his feet.
"Aawee hi D/n" he awed and pet D/n.
"Hey!" I smiled and gave him a hug.
"So you live here all alone?" He asks letting go of the hug.
"Uh yea. Why?" I ask looking confused.
"Well, you vlog right? And isn't it lonely?" He asks and picks D/n up.
"Well yes and yes but I've got D/n now." I say and smile at D/n.
"Move in with the squad baby!" He glees and I think about it.
"I don't know.." I think about it.
"Well, there's an extra room in the house and you'll always have people to vlog with since you'll be living with a bunch of vloggers. AND it'll be cheaper." He smiles.
"Let me think about it, okay." I laugh.
"Okay" he smiles and he starts filming D/n.

In the vlog we were talking about how I might be moving into the vlog squad house and asked the fans to give their opinions if I should or not. Then he talked about D/n and how cute she was.

When Zane leaves I look in my fridge for something to eat for dinner and I hear a ding come from my phone.

Who's texting me at this time of night?

This chap was a little boring but next chap is VEERRRYY juicy and TEA WILL BE SISTER SPILLED!

Stay tuned!

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