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"David" I said and I kept staring out of his car windshield. Not keeping my eyes off of him
"What is it baby" he asked looking over at me.
"That's my ex.." I whisper and i start to shake.
"I'm guessing he's more than just an ex?" He asks and I nod my head looking over at him.
He drove the car to the other end of the carpark and parked the car.

"What's wrong?" He asks
"Well, long story short... let's just say he forced himself on me." I whisper. Ashamed of myself and scared that he's in la.
"babe it's ok, I can get you out of here" he reassures my and drives us back home.

I could tell the whole drive home something was bothering him or on his mind.
I'm guessing he wants to know more about what happened.


"Lets go to mine, baby. We can watch a movie if you want?" He asked me.
"Sure. Sounds fun" I smiled widely and we drove to his house.

I expected the night to go as planned like he said.

In the middle of the movie a Romantic bit was on and he kissed me out of the blue. It got deeper and I went with it. But then he started to put more pressure on me and pinned me down to the couch and started to undo his pants and tried to take my clothes off.

"I-I don't want this" I say shaking my head and trying to get him off of me.
"You do, baby." He whispered and I started to panic.
I wasn't getting out of his grip and he wouldn't let me go until he got what he wanted.
"Troy" I called his name but he wouldn't answer.
"Troy, listen to me, I don't want this" I said trying harder to get him off but his hand made its way up my thigh and he already had two fingers in me.
It hit me by surprise and I straight away whacked his hand away and pulled my pants all the way up and quickly got out of his grip and stood up off of the couch.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He yelled and got really pissed.
"Nothings fucking wrong with me, you're the one forcing yourself on me!" I yelled back, at this point he's really mad.
" get your ass over here, baby. Let's finish what YOU started." He said in a pissy tone.
"No. You don't have the privilege to call me that anymore because we are done" I said and put my shoes on and put my jumper on and opened the door.
He grabbed my arm and held on tightly.
"oh, baby. We are NOT done... Do as you're asked or your ass is beat" he snarked. I started panicking more but I tried keeping calm and I tried getting out of his grip and running away..

//end of flashback//

His grip was to hard and he pulled me over to the couch, laid me down and beat me, just like he said. The rest is history.
I don't remember what happened after that. I guess I caught the next flight to la and got myself an apartment and found myself a job.

But I wasn't going to tell David that.. at least not right now.


Hope u enjoyed!
How the hell am I on 6k reads exactly? That's crazy omg
Thank you for reading and I hope u stay tuned for more TEA ☕️ <3

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