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"If I tell you, you CAN NOT tell ANYONE." I say, pointing a finger at her.
"I promise." She nods her head and a sigh escapes my mouth.
"Okay." I pause and get comfy on the couch, I face her.
"David" I let it out and her mouth makes an 'O' shape. Shes silent for a second.
"I fucking knew it!" She yelled and I told her to shut up for the second time.
"How'd you know" I chuckle.
"You guys were getting so close." She smirked and she opened her mouth to say something.
"You should really take a test" she bites her nails.
"Test?" I ask, confused to what 'test' she was talking about.
"A pregnancy test, duh." She said.

Corinna wanted me to take a test. A pregnancy test. I didn't want to. I was frightened. We weren't even a couple. It's scary thinking about how i could possibly be pregnant.

"Uh." I start to shake a little.
"Can we do that.. tomorrow?" I begin to say.
"I wanna wait to see if I throw up tomorrow. If I do I'll call you and we can go get one." I add.
She nodded her head, "Yea sure." She gets a notification on her phone and she checks it.
"It's from Todd, I gotta go." She smiles at me.
"Okay." I say quietly.
"Make sure you don't tell anyone anything." I reassure her.
"Cross my heart, hope to die." She crosses her heart and she waves at me.
"I'll see you tomorrow." She winked at me.
"Okay, I'll see you then." I wave.


What if I am pregnant.. what am I going to tell David. Did he love me enough to raise a family with him? Will he want to to get rid of it?
I was terrified.

It's the middle of the night and I'm looking in the mirror at my stomach thinking of every possibility. Even though there was no bump on my stomach visible, I still looked at it. I was restless.

Maybe I should just get a pregnancy test now and have it ready for tomorrow

I drove to the nearest pharmacy and walked inside with nerves. I looked around for any customers or workers, the only person I saw in the store was the cashier. She had dark hair and bright blue eyes and cakey makeup all over her face, her skin was fair and she stood with a slouch. She was on her phone chewing some gum and listening to music, she looked 18, I bet if I robbed her she wouldn't care.

I quickly grabbed what I needed and walked past some karmex.
"I'll need that" I whisper to myself and grab one off the shelf and go to the counter.
"Is that all for tonight?" She asked with no emotion, she sounded tired.
"Yea, that's it" I smile and she scans my stuff lazily.
"That'll be $11.95" she said and I swiped my card and waved the girl goodbye and took my things with me.
I hop in my car and drive back home.

I couldn't stop glancing over at the pink and white box.
I walked inside and plopped it on my desk and tried to go to sleep. But something was telling me to do it.

Just take the test and you can check it in the morning.

So I did what my mind was telling me to do.
As soon as I finished I put the test on my bathroom counter and left it in there.
I closed my bathroom door and hopped into bed.

Thanks for rrreeeaaddiinnggg! <3

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