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Ferris wheel

// this is a long chapter so grab a drink and some snacks and sit back and enjoy the second last chap:) //

"Baby" i smile as I walk through the door with my keys and phone in hand and the backpack of my belongings on my back.
"Yes" David says and I can tell he's in our room.
"I have an idea" I walk through the doorframe of the bedroom and I see David sitting up with his back against the head of the bed editing his video. I sit next to him, putting my things on the floor and he slides his laptop off his lap.

"What's your idea" he pulls me in and I lay my head on his chest, he runs his fingers through my hair.
"There's a fair tonight and I was thinking we could go." I explain.
"Sure, sounds fun" he smiles and kisses my forehead and I stay in his arms for a bit longer. David picks up his phone and puts it back down, I assume he was checking the time.
"It's almost 4 now, we can get ready and leave at 5 30 and get there just before 6" he says and I nod my head.

I sit up off of him to go have a shower but he grabs my hips and pulls me back onto the bed.
"Whaaat" I drag out the 'a' and I giggle.
"I wanna kiss you" he chuckles and he gives me a short but sweet kiss.
"I love you" he says and pecks my lips.
"I wove youw too" I say like a little kid and he smiles.


David stepped out of the bathroom with black skinny jeans and a black hoodie on underneath a dark blue denim jacket, he had black old school vans on completing his casual-going out look. (Photo above)
I had finished putting on some lipgloss on and I gave david a twirl and a smile.

I had dark blue high waisted skinny jeans on with a grey sweater on that I had underneath a coat and a scarf. I get cold easily. I also put some old black converse on.
I had a simple makeup look consisting of concealer, mascara, lipgloss, eyebrows, highlighter, bronzer and blush.

"Wow you look.... gorgeous" he said looking for words. He walked up to me with a big smile and hugged me.
"Like always" he added and I giggled.
"Nice save" I say and he chuckles and rolls his eyes.
"You look hot, like always" I smile and I grab his hand and drag him out to the car, making sure to grab his keys and other stuff on our way to his car.


"Oh woah." I gasped and my mouth was open slightly to the sight I was seeing out of the window of David's car.

There were pretty fairy lights hanging from mini game to mini game and from one food truck to another. The smell of cotton candy and corn dogs hit me. But the one thing that stood out from everything else was the gigantic Ferris wheel that was covered in colourful fairy lights and looked so pretty.

I had a great idea..

Words couldn't describe how excited I am. Especially how nervous.
David had seemed a lot happier these past few months with just him and I and his friends. His channel has grown immensely everyday and every video never fails to make millions of people smile.

I have mixed feelings on David's reaction and how it will turn out. He'll probably be excited and happy but I don't want him worrying about what happened and that there could be a chance it might... happen again. The last thing I want David to be is sad and to beat himself up. But we've got to stay positive.

I lead him towards the first mini game I see which is a basketball mini game.
I grab out some coins and pass it to the person running the booth and they give me basketballs. David hands over coins as well and gets his own basketballs.

"I won!" I jump up and down and David pretends to be sad.
"This was never a competition" he laughs and so do I as we start walking away with stuffed animals.
"So?" I shrug and giggle.
"I still won anyway" I add, David runs up to me and tickles me while kissing my ticklish spot on my neck.

The sun had gone down and we walked around the fair for a bit, the scent of the food was getting stronger and stronger until we ended up where all the food trucks are with the candy trucks and ice cream trucks, kids ran around with food in their hands and giggling with their friends while the parents sat on the benches near the trucks, eating and talking.
David and I grabbed some corn dogs and ice cream and walked around looking at the scenery while we ate since all the benches were taken.
I finished my corn dog and so did David. We played more mini games and finally finished our ice cream.

"Hey y/n look, the line for the Ferris wheel is really small, we should hop in line before anyone else gets there." David explains and stops me, I look over at the line and it was almost empty, a sight no one ever sees.
"Definitely" I giggle and I drag David to the line.

The butterflies in my stomach were going crazy. I felt like I was going to puke but I didn't.

We sat next to each other on the seats of the Ferris wheel and it started slowly going up and we got further away from the ground.

As we reached the top I look out at the fair below us, the colourful fairy lights that were once clear were blurred. I look back up at David and the butterflies grew more in my stomach, now was the perfect time.

"David" I exhale nervously, my heart pounding in and out of my chest.
"Yes y/n" he smiled, when he realised I was nervous his smile turned into worry.
"What's wrong babe?" He rubbed my shoulder and hugged me.
"Nothing it's just, I need to tell you something." I smile nervously, I was shaking.
"What is it?" He furrowed his brows and I took a deep breath to calm myself.

"I'm pregnant"

His jaw dropped


Thank you all so much for reading, I'm unfortunately decided not to make a second book since there is nothing to put in it but I will make one more chapter for this book so u can see the cute ending I wrote :) <3 thank you all for 80k it's so weird aha

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