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David got up at 5am and made us something to eat since we couldn't sleep and were really hungry.

I couldn't stop thinking about what happened last night.

I held David's hand tightly hoping everything would be okay, I closed my eyes and prayed to whatever or whoever was above those clouds.
The doctor came back in with his clipboard and walked in slowly.
"Miss l/n" he began, I glued my attention to him.
"Unfortunately, your baby has passed away and we are really sorry we couldn't do anything to prevent this from happening." He said quietly and left David and I alone for a bit.
I heard an intense ringing in my ear and I felt David hugging my waist tightly over the bed railing.
I couldn't move, I was paralysed. Soon enough I felt tears dripping down my face and I felt stabbing pains in my chest.

David walked back in with two plates and put them on the bedside table and cuddled me, I didn't notice the tears on my cheeks.
"Baby, it's gonna be okay." He comforted me.
He started to tear up and I rubbed his head.
"I feel like I should be saying that to you too." I said and he gave me a weak smile.

I was finishing up breakfast when David turned his head from his phone to me, catching my attention.
"How are we going to tell everyone.." he whispered.
"Oh" I started to think. "Maybe when they bring up about my being pregnant. Then we can tell them" I explained.
He just nodded his head and opened his mouth again.
"Jason's, coming over soon to record a podcast." He said and sighed.
"Okay, seems fun." I smiled and he smiled back.
"I wanna take you out for dinner soon, you deserve it, gorgeous." He smiles widely.
"And I'll make sure you have a good night" I said.
He chuckled and winked at me and I gave him the 'ya nasty' look.
I took his plate and my plate over to the sink and a knock on the door was heard.
"I'll get it" I said and I walked over to the door.
I opened it and was greeted by Jason.
"Hey, y/n how've you guys been?" He asks and brings me in for a hug.
"Could be better" I sighed and gave him a weak smile.
"Oh, why's that?" He furrowed his brows and let go of me.
David walked up to Jason and held my hands tightly.
"Last night something happened" he said and Jason looked worried.
"It was a miscarriage." He said quietly and the house went silent.
"Oh god. I'm so sorry" Jason spoke up and gave David and I the tightest hug I've ever had.
It almost made me cry. "It's not your fault." I whispered.
Jason looked over at me and rubbed my back.
"Everything will get better." He reassures and I nod my head.
"Let's go do this podcast." David spoke up.
"Do you want to do it?" He asked and David sighed.
"Not really" he looked down.
"Well, Tell the fans there won't be one this week. Tell them you don't feel well." He explained. "Take a break." He added.
"Okay" David nodded and took out his phone and started typing. Probably on twitter or his Instagram story.
"Let's all go watch a movie or something, take your shoes off." I smiled at Jason and he took his shoes off.
"Let's" he smiled back and we all sat down on the couch.

I'm really sorry I haven't posted in a while, I haven't been feeling great mentally. But now that I found a hobby that makes me really calm and forget about everything, I think I'm getting better. Thank you so much for sticking around and reading <3 have a great day/night.

((Btw new uploading schedule is every Saturday/Sunday))

WAIT WTF I JUST LOOKED AND I ALREADY ALMOST HAVE 2k wtf, last chap I was saying thank you for 1k holy moly sweet mama this is crazy, thank you<3

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