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I could tell David knew I was anxious and worried.
I couldn't stop thinking about him, my ex.
How the hell did he get here and why the hell is he here. He shouldn't be here.
I got jump scared by slight things like David opening a door into a room I was in made me jump a little. I tried not to think about him but I couldn't. If he saw me around, I'd get into some sort of trouble.

"What's wrong babe? You seem jumpy." David points out. I look up at him and smile slightly.
"It's nothing." I say and look back down.
"It's obviously something and obviously your ex. What happened between you two?" He asked, sitting next to me in comfort.
"Something" I say and stare at the wall.
"Y/n, look at me" he sighs. I look at him and he stares into my irises.
"What's bothering you?" He asks with soft glare.
"The fact that my ex is around, I thought he was in jail back in my hometown." I say and I feel him tense up a bit.
"Jail? What for?" He asked. I stared at him for a while and looked back down.
"Statutory offense." I sigh, trying not to let a tear fall.
"And that is?" He asked quietly.
"Rape." A tear falls and his face shows worry and sadness.
"W-was it you?" He whispered. I slowly nodded my head and his grip around me was tight and something I wanted to go on forever.
"I'm sorry for asking" he rubbed my back and I shook my head.
"It's ok, you just wanted to know what was wrong" I wipe away a tear that fell and stay in the warm hug he was giving me. He started to play with my hair and rub my back slowly and I started to close my eyes and lay on his chest. "Everything will be okay, I'm here" he whispered in my ear.

How is he so good at making me forget about all my problems?

Sorry this chapter is really short, I've been busy and I haven't really had the motivation, but I promise next chapter will get more SAUCY ;) If ya know what I mean....

Thanks for reading<3 plz vote

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