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•Telling Them•

Y/ns p.o.v

I wake up to the smell of masculine cologne in my bed, the sinking of my bed next to me was an unfamiliar feeling. I flip over remembering who it is and I smile as I stare at his face squished up against the white bed sheets and his hair messy. I could look at this all day, he's so precious.
He stayed over that night. Nothing happened but he slept in my bed.
It was nice having company, not being alone.
I'm mean, I have D/n now... but it's different.
David and I talked about how we felt about each other and worked some things out.
"We aren't dating, it's a 'thing' " he said.
We're basically doing what a usual couple would do, but without the title and a little bit more on the down-low.
He said that nobody knew about what happened with him and Liza yesterday except for me.
David was going to tell everyone in the vlog squad that they weren't together anymore but hide it from the fans for the time being.

It's a nice feeling having people that actually care about you for once in my life.

David's p.o.v (a few weeks later)

David- we should tell everyone about us soon.
Liza- the fans aswell?
David- that's up to you.
Liza- maybe not now. Another day.
David- that's fine. But we should tell the group.
Liza- you're right.
David- when do you wanna tell them?
Liza- sometime today?
David- sure. I'll text everyone that I have to tell them all something.
Liza- Okay, ill see you in an hour.
David- yea, see you soon.

I arrive at the house and everyone was in the kitchen just chatting and laughing and some of the guys were drinking.
They turn to greet me but they look a little confused when I wasn't smiling and I didn't have my camera on me.
"Hey" I say to Them.
"What's up David?" Jason comes forward and addresses the elephant in the room.
"Oh, I can't tell you until Liza shows up." I say.
"Did you knock her up and get her pregnant?" He says loudly and everyone chuckles.
"No" I sigh and grab a drink of water and wait around for Liza.

"Hey, Liza's here, now what did you wanna tell us?" Corinna looks over at me as Liza walks inside.
"Liza" I look at her and she nods.
"We broke up" She says quietly. The room is silent for a few seconds but Kristen speaks up.
"Are you guys okay?" She asks a little worried.
"Yea, we just needed time to ourselves" she gives a weak smile at me and Kristen hugs her.
"Don't tell any fans until we decide to" I say making sure everyone understood.
"Yea no problem" Scotty speaks up.
"Yea definitely, whenever you guys are ready" Jason adds.

The rest of the night was fun. The squad hung out for a while and y/n ended up coming.

I saw her across the room wearing a light shirt dress that had thin straps, her eyes twinkled in the light and her hair looked soft. She spotted me and started to approach, I felt a rush of butterflies in my stomach but I ignored it.

"Hey" she smiled.
"Oh hey y/n" I smiled back "how's life?" I chuckled.
"Better now that you're here" she smirks and I look down at her and bite my lip. She looked at me with hungry eyes, something we both had in common at the moment.
I had the urge to kiss her, but everyone would see.

Y/ns p.o.v

"Fuck" He says under his breath, biting his bottom lip.
"You're so beautiful" He whispers in my ear.
It sends shivers down my spine. I go closer to him to whisper in his ear.
"No you" I giggle and he slightly chuckles.
"Wanna have a sleepover at mine tonight?" I whisper in her ear.
"Definitely." I smirk at him and he smiles back.
"Can't wait" he winks at me and I wink back, he walks off over to the kitchen to get a drink.

??? p.o.v

What the fuck... David must have gotten over Liza pretty quickly...


guess who witnessed y/n and David's whispering and winking, comment who you think.

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