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Wedding bells were ringing across the town of Lima,Ohio. Noah Puckerman and Quinn Fabray were going to tie the knot. They had been dating for 3 years and Puck proposed at the graduation party. Puck was also getting a record deal with a big time producer in LA, and he had his first big single which was already number 1 on the charts. the couple had a bright future ahead.

'Quinnie, 12 minutes.' Pucks mother Ruth called out.

'Only 12?' Quinn panicked fixing her hair.

'You look lovely dear I can't believe you and Noah are getting married .' Quinn's mom said.

'Hey girls.' Finn said as he and Sam walked in.

'You look stunning.' Sam said to Mercedes whist kissing her

'Rae you look great.' Finn said kissing Rachel on the Cheek.

Quinn cleared her threat loudly. 'Guys it is my wedding day.' The blonde joked placing her hand on her hips.

'Quinn you look gorgeous as usual.' Both of the boys said in unison.

'Mercedes can we talk to you outside?' Finn asked quietly. Mercedes nodded and followed the boys out.

'Rachel touch up her lipstick.' Mercedes called out.

'What's going on?' Quinn asked and Rachel remained silent.

Out in the hall way Finn and Sam broke the bad news to Mercedes

'He's gone.' Finn said lowly making sure the bride couldn't here her.

'What do you mean he's gone?' Mercedes bit

'He was here, and now he isn't.' Sam explained. 'He left this note.' He handed the girl a note.'

'Tell Quinn I'm sorry.'

'This is gonna break that poor girls heart.'
Mercedes said.

'Can you tell her?'

'You expect me to tell her? How am I supposed to break this too her 'Oh yeah honey by the way you are not getting married today because you fiancé has disappeared?'' Mercedes mocked.

'Please, it will be easier coming from you.' Sam begged.

'Fine.' Mercedes said and turned around.

'Hey baby.' Mercedes said approaching the bride.

'What's happened? Is Noah okay?' Quinn asked.

'Puck is Fine baby.' Mercedes said. Quinn sighed with relief. 'But he's gone.'

'W-What?' Quinn asked fighting back tears

'He's gone, he left this note.'  Mercedes said handing the blonde the note.

'Q are you okay?' Rachel asked.

'I'm fine' She lied. 'I just want to be alone.' Quinn said taking her vale off and stormed out.

' Quinn said taking her vale off and stormed out

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