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Sara Puckerman was getting ready for school, it was still early so her mom and Noah were not awake yet. She was looking for her earrings knowing that Noah likes to move her stuff he called out to him.

'Noah, have you seen my earnings.' No reply. 'Noah!' She walked to his room ready to pour water over his head for him to wake up and answer her.

'Noah have you seen my earrin-' she trailed of when she saw that he wasn't in his bed. She saw a piece of paper laying on his bed. Sara sat down on the edge of the bed and read the note.

I know that I'm letting you all down by leaving again. I know that you all need me, but I realised I'm not cut out for this.

I'm done causing people pain, and sadness. That's why I'm leaving, I'm sorry mom and Sara.

I can't provide for Quinn and Beth the way they deserve, they deserve someone a million times better than me.

I'm sorry - Noah

Tears filled Sara's eyes, sure she a Noah fought like cat and mouse but having him around made everyone so much happier.

'Mom.' Sara called out.

'What is it now Sara?' Ruth called out from her room. Sara walked down the hall, with the note in her hand.

'He's gone.' The youngest Puckerman sibling said.


Puck was now in LA. He had to leave. He couldn't disappoint them anymore. He loved them too much.

He walked to around the airport looking for his
Chauffeur, he walked around the airportI'm where people where shouting, talking and conversing, the sounds gave him a headache. He saw a magazine with the picture of Puck and Quinn at the theatre caption with 'HAS BAD BOY NOAH PUCKERMAN FOUND THE ONE?'

He turned it over to the other side and walked away.

'It's good to have you back Puckerman.' Blake said.

'Good to be back.' Puck lied.


Quinn woke up feeling nauseous the room was spinning and she had the worst headache. She ran to the bathroom and got sick.

'Mama are you okay?' Beth said leaning against the door.

'I'm fine sweetie. I'm gonna call Aunt Mercedes to see if she can take you too school.'

'Yay Aunty Cedes.' Beth said and ran to get dressed.

'Beth baby Mercedes will be here soon.' Quinn stated while making tea to see if it will make her feel better.

Five minutes later Mercedes rang the door bell with her two kids.

'You look hot.' Mercedes joked.

'I feel it.' The blonde replied with a small smile. 'Thank you for this.'

'No problem Q.' Mercedes said and they left and Quinn was alone.

'Shit.' Quinn said leaning against the door.


Once Quinn was feeling well enogh to go out she got dressed in a light pink dress and a white cardigan and white flats and went to the drug store.

She slowly walked around the aisles she finally walked around to the pregnancy tests. She took a deep breath before picking up two tests.

She got home and took the test. She thought about how she would tell him (little did she know she was in downtown LA).

She waited 3 minutes and looked down at the tests with her eyes closed. She braced herself, looked down and opened her eyes

+ Positive +

+ Positive +

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