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Puck walked into the flower store. 'I want to see her.'

Quinn didn't have a customer so she couldn't avoid him again. 'Absolutely not.'

'Please Quinn. She's my daughter.'

'No! Me and Beth can live without you in our lives.' Quinn said arranging the flowers.

'But I can't live without you and Beth.' Puck said. 'Please Quinn.' He begged. Quinn looked up gazing in to his perfect eyes, she quickly snapped out of the haze not wanting to fall for his boyish charm all over again.

'Fine.' She said giving in. 'I'm doing this for Beth's sake not yours.'

'Thank you Q.'

'It's all of the my terms.'

'Of Course.' Puck said.

'And you have to supervised by either my me, Mercedes, Your Mom or Sara.'

'Hey, what about your mom?'

'She passed away about 3 years ago.' Quinn said looking at her feet.

'Q I'm sorry.

'I need to ask Beth if she wants to meet you and if she doesn't you have to back off.'

'Absolutely.' Puck said holding his hand up in defence.


Quinn was in the kitchen washing the dishes thinking about how she is going to ask Beth if she wanted to meet her dad, if Quinn could have had it her way Beth would never meet her dad.

'Beth can you come here for a second?' Quinn asked one she finished washing the dishes.

Beth walked into the room and sat at the table a rested her head in her hands. 'Yes mama?'

'I wanted to talk to you about your daddy.' Ion said sitting next to the small blonde.

'I thought you never wanted to speak about him?' Beth asked

'I didn't. I don't.' Quinn replied. 'But that's not fair on you.' Quinn smiled and braced herself. 'Do you want to meet him? You don't have to if you don't want to B.'

'The guy that you punched at church and from the flower shop? He seemed nice.'

'How'd did you k-?' Quinn asked

'I'm not stupid. You two weren't really subtle mama.'

'Look B, your daddy and I were very young when I got pregnant. But he did not abandon you.' The older blonde said. 'Do you want to get to know him?'

'Yeah. It will be cool to say my dad it's a rock star.' Beth grinned

'You amaze me Bethany. Now let's go out for ice cream.' Quinn said grabbing her car keys smiling at her baby girl.

' Quinn said grabbing her car keys smiling at her baby girl

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