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Puck walked to the store that Quinn worked. She worked in a flower store. Quinn always loved flowers. the store and instantly smelt lilacs, he remember how much Quinn loved lilacs.

Quinn spotted the man and tried her hardest not to start crying or have a repeat of the church.

'Quinn can we talk?' Puck asked.

'No I can't Puck. I'm serving a customer.'

'Thank you.' The customer said to Quinn receiving her roses. 'Asshole.' The woman said to Puck before leaving the store.

'Quinn. We need to talk.' Puck said once they were alone.

'No we don't.' She said arranging flowers.

'Come on Q.'

'Fine, what do you wanna talk about? The fact that you abandoned me or the fact that it was on out wedding day.' Quinn bit

'I'm sorry.' He said lowly.

'Hey girly.' Mercedes said walking in the store with her daughter and Beth. 'Puckerman.' She said when see saw puck.

'Jones.' He said back.

'Mum you should've seen what we did at school today it was so cool.' Beth said jumping into her moms arms.

'That's great B, but your going to go out for ice cream with aunty Mercedes.' Quinn said ruffling her daughters blonde curls and placing her back down.

'Hey, I know you.' Beth said to Puck. 'My mommy listens to you all the time.'

'She does?' Puck asked smirking at Quinn.

'Only on the radio.' Quinn answered.

'Hey how old are you?' Puck asked getting down on his knees to get closer to the girls height.

'8, almost 9. My birthdays June the 9th.' Beth answered proudly. 'What's your name?' The little girl asked.

'Noah Puckerman.' Puck answered.

'Bethany Elizabeth Fabray.' Beth said extending her hand for Puck to shake which he obliged to.

'Alright Beth lets go for ice cream.' Mercedes said. 'My treat.' Quinn gave her best friend a thankful look.

'Is she...' Puck asked after Mercedes was out of sight.

'Wow I-uh guess the conversation I have had in my head a million times is actually going to happen.' Quinn said sitting on a bench.

'Why didn't you tell me?' Puck asked sitting next to his first love.

'No one knew where you were. You packed up and left.' Quinn answered.

'When did you find out?'

'A few weeks after what was meant to be put wedding day.' She answered. 'I called you a million times, and I realised that if you answered it was meant to be and if you didn't...' she trailed off. 'Me and Beth deserved better.'

'You named her after my favourite song.' Puck stated.

'It's also your mothers, it means a lot to her. She helped me so much when you weren't there.'


'Why didn't you tell me mom?' Puck said entering his house.

'Tell you what Noah.' Ruth answered whilst making tea.

'That I had a daughter? Why mom?'

'It wasn't my place to tell you Noah.' She answered

'Sara?' Puck asked his 18 year old sister who was on her phone.

'Mom said not to, plus I like Quinn more than you.' She answered quickly.

Puck grabbed his coat and opened the door.

'Where are you going?'

'To make things right.'


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