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Wedding bells were ringing across the town of Lima,Ohio. Quinn Fabray was finally going to become Quinn Fabray-Puckerman.

'Get your vail on Quinn.' Mercedes snapped.

'You look beautiful Quinn.' Rachel said. 'I wish Finn was here to see you and Noah get married.'

'He is here. Watching over us.' Quinn said glancing up. 'Always.'

'Mama.' Beth said running up to the older blonde.

'Hey Sweetie, where is your sister?' Quinn asked.

'She's with Aunt Sara.' Beth said as Sara Puckerman walked into the room.

'Hey baby.' Quinn said taking her daughter from Sara. Sherry Hope Fabray Puckerman (They always had an infinitive of naming their children after songs) was born 6 months ago on the April 19th.

Quinn and Noah had been together ever since the day he returned for good in Lima Ohio. He proposed after 6 months of being together under the McKinley High school bleachers where he prorogued the first time.

'Let me take her.' Rachel said holding out her hands.

'Hey baba.' Rachel said bouncing the baby.

All of the girls were doing last minuet touch ups and drinking champagne when the was a knock on the door.

'Knock knock.' A voice said, Quinn turned around to see Puck standing there in his suit.

'Get out Noah, its unlucky to see the bride before she walks down the aisle.' Rachel said attempting to cover Quinn.

'It's fine Berry, I think we've had enough bad luck to last us a life time.' Puck responded.

Quinn walked to the door to her soon to be husband.

'Hi.' She said.

'Hey.' He replied. 'You ready to become Mrs Puckerman?'

'I've never been more ready for anything.' Quinn grinned and stood on her tip toes to kiss him.

'Eww get a room.' Beth said covering her eyes.


The doors to the church opened and everyone from Lima turned around to look at Quinn walk down the aisle. She saw him standing at the alter with the biggest smile on his face. She looked at Beth who was holding a big bunch of Liliacs and Ruth who was holding Valerie.

Quinn stood at the alter opposite to the love of her life with all of her friends and family around her.

It was time for the vows and Quinn decided to go first. 'I have loved you ever since I laid eyes on you freshmen year. I haven't stopped and will never stop until the day I die. You have gifted me so many amazing things, your love, our two beautiful baby girls and you taught me that love never dies and I love you so much.'  Quinn said holding back the tears.

'We have had our ups and downs and leaving you was the biggest mistakes I've ever made and you make life so much better and I love you more than anything in this world and I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together.' Puck said pouring his heart out to the woman he loves.

'Quinn Fabray do you take Noah Puckerman to be your lawfully wedded husband?' The minister asked.

'I do.' Quinn said grinning from ear to ear.

'Noah Puckerman do you take Quinn Fabray to be your lawfully wedded bride?' He asked

'I do.' Puck replied nodding.

'You may now kiss the bride.'

The pair engaged in a sweet yet passionate kiss. Everyone stood up and cheered.

'You're my perfect guy.' Quinn said once the pair pulled away.

'And you're my perfect girl.'

A/N: An that's a wrap

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A/N: An that's a wrap. This is the first ever story I have finished writing. Normally I get writers block and can't finish them but I managed to finish a story and I call that progress.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2019 ⏰

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