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Everything was amazing for 2 months, Quinn, Puck and Beth were all a family. They would go on family day trips, they would have sleepovers and they loved finally being a family.

'Dad I can't play this Chord!' Beth stated.

'Alright I coming.' Puck said, he saw the little blonde girl sitting on the couch with the pink guitar he bought her. 'Move this figure here, and this one here.' Beth obliged. 'There. You're good Beth that chord took me months to leave.'

'That's because I'm better than you.' Beth said grinning.


'Uh-huh.' Beth said nodded while sticking her tongue out.


Quinn was still at work so she asked Puck to pick Beth up from school. He went to the school and saw a sign that read 'Talent Show.' He sighed Beth up for it.

'Puckerman.' He heard, he turned around to see Mercedes Jones.

'Jones.' He replied. 'What do you want?'

'So you're sticking around then.'

'I am.' He smirked.

'What about when the novelty wears off? Or when you decide to ditch Quinn again and be a rockstar? What about when you don't want a kid anymore?' Mercedes asked. 'Or when your done playing house and realise that you aren't emotionally available to have a family?'

'You don't know anything about me?'

'All I'm saying Puckerman is jump out now, if you're planning too, before it gets too deep.' And with that she walked away.

A few minutes later Beth appeared. 'I sighed you up for the talent show.' Puck stated. 'Do you want to do?'

'Yes, yes, yes. Only if you do it with me.'

'I can make that work.'


The pair returned to the Fabray household and saw Quinn baking cakes.

'Ooo. Be careful Fabray with both know your leathal in a kitchen.' Puck mocked.

'You're such an-.'

'Egg head.' Puck interrupted her.

'I was going to say moron but that works too.'

'So Mercedes spoke to me today.' Puck stated.

'Yeah?' Quinn said still following the recipes

'She said that...' He trailed off. 'You know what? It doesn't matter.'

'Alright babe.' Quinn said.

'Can I help?'

'No, the last time you helped me in the kitchen you made a mess of everything.' Quinn said referring to Sophomore year where they had a bake sale for Artie.

'Come on Q it was Fun.'

'You're such an egghead.'

'I know, that's why you love me.' Puck teased.

'I do love you.' Quinn said wrapping her arms around Pucks waist and pulling him in for a soft kiss.

'Eww get a room.' Beth said sitting on the couch.


The trio were sitting on the couch watching a Disney film. Like a family.

Puck couldn't help but think about what Mercedes had said, what if he wasn't good enough for them? He loved them, he really did, but they could do so much better than him.

'It's getting late, I should.' Puck said standing up.

'Beth say bye to you're dad.' Quinn said.

'Can we practise for the talent show tommrow?'

'Sure.' Puck said kneeling to get to the smaller blondes height.

'I love you B.'

'I love you too daddy.' Beth said kissing him on the cheek.

'Bye.' Puck said looking at Quinn.

'I'll see you tommrow?' Quinn asked.

'Yeah. I love you.'

'Is everything okay? You're acting weird.' Quinn asked.

'Fine, goodnight.'

'Night.' Quinn said pecking him on the lips.

What Puck did that night when he got home, he would regret.

What Puck did that night when he got home, he would regret

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