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The next day Puck was getting ready to pick up Beth from school.

'Noah you need to leave now or your gonna be late.' Sara shouted from the living room.

'Shut it Sara, I'm not gonna be late.' Puck shouted back before walking into the living room.

'Having you two arguing brings back so many memories.' Ruth said drinking her coffee.

The two siblings glanced at each other giving the other a dirty look. They loved each other really.

'Shit. I'm gonna be late!' Puck said quickly gathering his things.

'Told you so.' Sara said.

'Told you so.' Puck mocked before leaving the house.

He ran down the street making sure he wasn't late because he was sure that Quinn would murder him.

He reached the elementary school and found Quinn talking to Mercedes.

'Your late Puckerman.' Quinn said. Puck looked at his watch reading 3:01.

'1 minute.' Puck breathed heavily

'You were still late.' The woman said in unison.

'I'll see you later girly.' Mercedeses said leaving the ex's alone together.

'I told you I wouldn't be late. I write it down in my note book.' Puck said showing off the book.

'Is that the same book you've had since high school.'

'Nope.' Puck denied. 'Same patterned completely different book.' He lied.

'What ever you say?' Quinn got a call from Rachel who was crying her eyes out about Finn.

'I'll pick her up. I'll take her to my moms afterwards. We'll be fine.' Puck said. Quinn wasn't sure weather to trust him but she eventually gave in.

'Fine, I'll pick her up at 5.'

A few minutes later the blonde child came out of school.

'Hey Beth. How was your day?.' Puck asked.

'It was okay I guess. Where is my mom?' The girl asked looking around.

'She had an emergency. So I'm going to take you to grandmas.'



Puck was sitting at the table strumming his guitar while Beth and Sara were watching Tv.

'Hey Noah, how do you come up with songs to sing?' His daughter asked before sitting on the chair next to him.

'Ummm. Well I haven't write a song in a while so I've just been playing my favourite songs.'

'Can you play me a song?'


He started to play the opening of the song 'Beth.' By kiss.

'My mom named me after that song.' Beth said once her dad finished.

'Noah help me fix the Tv. MTV isn't working.' Sara demanded.

'Give me a sec.' Puck said placing his guitar down before helping his sister.

Beth picked up the guitar and started to play what her dad was just playing.

'Beth, you play guitar?' Puck asked once he finished fixing the Tv

'Nope.' Beth said continue to play.  'I'm just coping what you just did.'

'Hey Beth.' The blonde looked up. 'How would you like it if I took you to get a guitar one day after school.'

'I would like that a lot.'


An hour later the door bell rang. 'Hey Beth.' Quinn said once Puck opened the door. 'You ready to go?' Beth nodded and ran over to Puck.

'I had such a great time with you today Noah.' Beth said before hugging her dad.

'I had a great time with you B.'

'I'll see you tomorrow for guitar shopping .' Beth said once Quinn picked her up.

'Guitar shopping?' Quinn asked raising her eyebrow.

'Yeah, did you know Beth can play guitar?' Puck asked

'Beth?.' Quinn said looking at her daughter.

'She just picked it up and started playing.'

'I was awesome.' Beth said grinning.

'Yeah I told her I'd take her to get a guitar tomorrow. You can come aswell because I know you don't want me and Beth to be alone together.' Puck said.

'Me, you and Beth? Nothing is going to happen between the two of us.'

'I know.' Puck said sadly.

'Alright after school were go to the guitar shop.'

'Bye B, be good for you mom.'

'I always am.' Beth said

' Beth said

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