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Puck was sitting in his living room getting a lecture from his mother like he was a child.

'8 years! You have been gone for 8 years. Why come back now. Do you know how heartbroken Quinn was? Or how devastated you sister and I were? You didn't even call us to say if you were okay.'

'I'm sorry.' Puck said sincerely.

'I Know Noah.' His mother said. 'Are you staying?'


'Are you staying in Lima for a while?'

'I'll call Blake.' Puck called his manger.

'Hey.' Puck said into the receiver.

'Don't hey me Puckerman. You missed and whole show, that is 20,000 angry fans. Where are you anyway.?'

'I'm in my home town, my best friend from high school passed away.'

'I'm sorry Puck. How long are you gonna be there?'

'A few days, maybe weeks can you cancel my next few shows?.' Puck asked

'I'll see what I can do.' Blake said and hung up.

'Mom I'm going to the store.' Puck said grabbing his coat.

Puck walked through the streets to get to the nearest grocery store. Every person he walked past gave him a dirty look. Lima, Ohio was a very tight knit town, everyone knew everyone's business. Everyone knew he abandoned Quinn.

He walked around the store grabbing a bottle of alcohol and went to the cashier. He saw 10 magazines lined up with his face plastered on them from when he ran around Kentucky without shoes on, he turned them around so his face was hidden.

'We have 100 more of those in the back.' The cashier said scanning his item.

'Excuse me?'

'I said we have 100 more magazines with you face on in the back.' She repeated. 'You seriously don't remember me? Glee club.' Puck searched every corner of his mind for where who knew this girl. 'Tina cohen Chang.' Tina said getting annoyed.

'Hey Tina do you know where Quinn lives or works?'

'Nice try Puckerman.' Tina said handing him his alcohol.


'Mom you need to tell where Quinn is. I need to talk to her.' Puck said once he got back to his childhood home.

'I can't Noah. I don't want you waltzing back into that girls life and hurting her again.'

'I didn't want to hurt her. '

'I know Honey, I won't tell you but I'll give you a hint.'


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