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It's been over a month since Puck left. Quinn had visited the doctors a week ago and found out that she was 2 months pregnant. She hadn't told anyone.

'Mama why I haven't see dad in a while.' Beth asked while Quinn was trying to Beth to sleep.

'He is just sorting some things back in LA.' Quinn responded.

'Will he be back for my talent show?'

'I don't know B.' Quinn said. 'But whether he's here or not your dad will be proud of you.' The blonde said choking back the tears.

'Night mommy.'

'Goodnight.' Quinn said kissing the blonde on the forehead


Puck wanted to go back to Lima. He wanted to be with his family again.

He was sitting on his flight, the smell of fuel and alcohol filled the air. 'Puckerman. New York and then Carolina.' Blake stated.

Puck was looking around the plane and saw a man reading the magazine with his and Quinn's face plastered on it. The memories of being at home and how much he missed his two girls came flooding back to him, he ripped the paper out of his hand and Puck it down beside him.

'Why are you doing this to yourself Puckerman?' Blake asked.

'They deserve better than me. I'm a useless father and a useless boyfriend.' Puck explained.

'Yeah?' Blake asked. 'If they deserved better than you, why would Quinn except you back into her and her daughters life after all those years and why would she want you back? You love those to girls with all of your heart. Go get them back.'

Encouraged by Blake's wise word Puck jumped up out of his seat and ran off of the plane. He was going to get his girls.

He got a flight straight to Ohio and began writing an apology letter to his Quinn, not just for this time but when he left 8 years ago.


The next day in Ohio, Quinn was checking the mailbox outside when she came across a notebook, the same one Puck had since high school. She opened it up and a note fell out.

I took me eight years to finally figure out why I left. I had to grow up at a young age to look after Sara and My Mom and became the father of the house. You were the first person I ever fell in love with. I loved you then I haven't stopped, I thought everyday about you, thinking if I get through today I was one more step closer to being with you again.

When Finn died and I came back home I realised that Rachel and Finn had been so in love and then he was gone. I knew that I had to come back into your life before you were gone.

And when I realised that we had a daughter together, I had to get to know her in fear that I would end up just like my dad, a deadbeat dad that only comes around when it suits him.

I left because I was scared that I would be enough for you and Beth. But I'm here now forever.

I hope you'll forgive me for all the pain I've cause you.

You're my perfect girl Quinn Fabray

A tears filled Quinn's eyes and she got Beth ready and drove to Pucks hoping he was there. She knocked on the door and Sara asked her. She had a look on her face as if to say 'he's back.' Quinn told Beth to stay downstairs with Sara while she talked to Puck upstairs.

She stormed into his room and through the notebook on his bed. Puck looked up at her and smiled.

'You've had the old, ugly notebook since high school because it had the notes we used to write each other in high school?' Puck nodded. 'Did you mean what you said? About never leaving again?'

'Not without you or Beth by my side.' Puck answered

'Then I just want to say... welcome home Noah.' Quinn said hugging Puck. He was finally home.

'One more thing.' Quinn said pulling away from the embrace. Puck tilted his head to look at her. 'I'm pregnant.'

'Really?' Puck asked grinning. Quinn nodded, Puck picked up the blonde and span her around.

 Quinn nodded, Puck picked up the blonde and span her around

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