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Quinn called Puck dozens of times. He was MIA since last night. She picked Beth up from school and went straight home.

An hour later the door bell rang. Quinn jumped up and answered the door hoping it was Puck. It wasn't. Sara and Ruth were standing at the door with tear stained faces.

'What's happened?' Quinn asked.

'You should sit down sweetie.'

'Beth can you go to your room?' The blonde  nodded and ran to her room.

'Noah's gone.' Ruth said

'Gone?' Quinn asked blinking back her tears

'He left this note.' Sara said handing the blonde he note.

Quinn took the note. Running her figures over the messy writing.

'W-Why?' Quinn stuttered.

'I think he's scared. Scared that he's not enough for you and Beth. T-that he'll turn out just like his dad.' Ruth explained

'He's will never be like him.' Quinn stated. 'He is much more man then he will ever be.'

'He doesn't know that.' Ruth said.

Puck had terrible timing both times he ran away Quinn was expecting. She debated weather to tell the Puckerman women her news.

'Have you called him?' Ruth asked.

'About a million times, no answer.' Quinn explained.

'Where is he?' Sara asked.

The TV which was playing quietly in background flashed to celebrity news.

'Turn it up.' Sara said.

Quinn grabbed the remote and turn up the TV

'Noah Puckerman is back from his hiatus but where has his dream girl gone? He will be playing in LA tommrow.' The news announcer stated.

'At least he's safe.' Ruth stated.

'Yeah.' Quinn said lowly.

'What's wrong Quinn.' Sara asked

'Nothing, I just miss him.' Quinn lied.

' Quinn lied

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