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A few weeks later Quinn was going out with Rachel to get help her deal with Finns death and Beth was going to sleep over at Pucks house.

'Call me if anything goes wrong.'

'I will.'

'I mean anything Puckerman.' The blonde screened.

'And I will Fabray.' Puck said back. 'I'm gonna go put her to bed.'

'And I'll be here.'


Beth was in her bed with the teddy that Puck got her.

'It's Bedtime B.' Puck said tucking her in.


'Yes B?' Puck asked.

'Why did you leave?' The small blonde asked.

'Well me and your mom were singing in a karaoke bar just joking around we were singing 'just give me a reason.' And then a record producer was there and the next thing I knew they wanted me to go on tour and then overnight I was a rock star.'

'Why didn't you take my mom with you?' Beth asked.

'Well me and your mom were real young, and I was real stupid. I was scared that I would be good enough for your mom. I loved her so much. Don't tell her this but I still love her. It's my biggest regret, not being there to see your first steps or your first word.'

'But your here now.' Beth said.

'Yeah, I'm here now.' Puck said nodding.

'Can I ask you something else?'

'You sure can.'

'Can I call you my daddy?' Beth asked. Puck nodded and walked out the room turning the light off.

Puck walked into the living room where Quinn was drinking wine. 'Beth just asked if she could call me dad.'

'That's a big responsibility Noah.' Quinn said.

'I know.'

'This is forever now. You can't run away when things get serious.'

'I don't plan too.' He smiled. He wasn't lying he wanted to be in Beth and Quinn's life for good.

'Noah do you want to take me home?' Quinn asked.

Puck smiled and grabbed his keys and shouted to Sara that he was going to take The blonde home.

The two sat in the car quietly enjoying each other's company, this is the first time they have been alone together not at each other's throats. The ex lovers pulled into Quinn house, she broke the silence.

'I think that you Mr. Puckerman should take me on a date.'

'Really?' Puck asked shocked the blonde was willing to give him another chance.

'Yeah, I want to go on a date with the Noah Puckerman.' Quinn said smiling. 'We could dress up and go somewhere fancy, it would drive your fans crazy.'

'Are you ready for that Q?' Puck asked

'Yes.' She replied causing Puck to raise his eyebrow. 'For a date Puckerman.' She confirmed.

'Goodnight Noah.' Quinn said getting out of the car.

'Goodnight Lucy.' Puck mocked knowing she hated being called Lucy. Quinn walked around to his window and glared at him. 'I'm joking, Goodnight Q.' He said. The blonde kissed him on the cheek and walked to her front door and disappeared into the house.

It was the calm before the storm

It was the calm before the storm

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