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Triggers: Transphobia, Homophobia, Surgery, Slight Suicidal Thoughts

Patton and Logan have been best friends since childhood, they were inseparable and never left each others sides, but when they turned 13, they realized their feelings for each other, at the time, Patton was still a female, but would soon transition. When Patton and Logan started dating, they never left each other's sides. Logan was Bisexual  while Patton was Straight before he transitioned.

When Patton started transitioning, Logan never left his side. He would give him his T shots because of his phobia of needles. When he was finally a year on T, he decided it was time to get top surgery, even though he was only 14, he was approved for surgery, he told his parents "it's either I get top surgery or I kill myself." but not in a manipulative way, just as a way for them to see where he's coming from. Patton, Logan, and Patton's parents were thrilled about his later stages of transitioning, but Logan's parents? They were appalled when Logan brought Patton home to meet his parents. This is what happened

"Logan, honey. We thought you were dating a girl, like a normal boy your age, not an artificial boy." His mother said. While his father just death staring at Patton. At this Patton's eyes welled up with tears and Patton ran off.
"Why do you feel the need to ruin everything good for me?" Logan said running after Patton.  Logan eventually found Patton crying under his bed
"Pat, what are you doing under my bed?" Logan asked.
"Y-y-your  p-p-parents h-hate m-m-me! I-I sh-sh-should stay out of your life I'm ruining it." Patton said crying.
"No Patton. You are not ruining my life. You are making it 1,000 times better, as for my parents they'll get used to us, I promise." Logan said while getting out a ring in a box.
"L-L-Logan, N-No it-it's t-t-too s-s-soon." Patton said
"As much I want to propose I'm not going to yet, this is a promise ring, so that you'll remember no matter how much anybody, including my parents bash you and me together that we will stay together and we will silently fight them with love, and the living fact its 2017." Logan said. With this Patton flew from under the couch and pulled him into a hug.
"I love you so much." Patton said then pulled him into a kiss
"I love you too." Logan said.
"R-really?" Patton asked.
"Of course dear. I love you more than anything in the world." Logan said. Patton smiled and kissed him again and put the ring on.

The next day Patton had his surgery, something he had been waiting for, for years. Logan and his best friend Roman were their while waiting for his parents. They came and wished him luck. Patton laid on the bed and fidgeted with the ring and blushed. Logan took it before and was crying.
"Good luck babe. If anything, you deserve this more than anyone." Logan whispered to himself

After the surgery Logan was there, looking at his beautiful boyfriend who was high on anesthesia and laughing at the adorable things he was saying
"Logie!" Patton basically screamed
"Yes babe?" Logan asked chuckling
"I love yooouuuu. Nevverr lleeeaaavvvee. I want to get married! Can we get married? I want to have kids with you!" Patton yelled while the nurse tried to shush him while she was laughing hysterically
"I love you too Patton, we are too young to get married now." Logan said.
"But-but. Don't you love me?" Patton asked.
"Of course I don't think I can stop." Logan said.
"Then lets get married!" Patton said.
"No dear, it's against the law." Logan said.
"To hell with that." Patton said and Logan chuckled "Under my dead body will I leave you." Logan said while blushing and crying. Meanwhile Patton started bawling. He held his hand but Patton couldn't move or else he would fall apart... literally or he would've then and there kissed him but instead he kissed his hand. He had to leave because Patton was moving too much so he figured he would see him tomorrow.


Logan went to see Patton, even though he was adorable on anesthesia he wanted to see his boyfriend sober. He went to see him but he was sleeping. Their other best friend Virgil was there standing next to Roman, holding hands. Yeah they are dating but they haven't told anyone, including Logan or Patton due to Virgil's homophobic parents who were best friends with Logans parents which made them "family friends" but they were super close. Logan sat on a chair next to Patton's bed and held his hand, you could literally see the hearts in his eyes. He was obviously in love and he knew it.

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