Assassin/Innocent girl

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Meisal strode through the city streets with an air of phony confidence, trying desperately to remember what was going on. She was ignoring all the curious glances she got from passers by and trying not to raise her eyebrows at any of them-- out of all the people she had ever seen, these people were not on her radar. Some had huge piercings that were inserted in their mouths, looking very uncomfortable, others had beaded necklaces and bracelets decorating every inch of uncovered skin. All of these people were black, and Meisal could tell that this was a planet with mostly people of colour. After all, she had only seen three white people at all.

"Excuse me," someone said, gripping Meisal by the arm. She turned and saw a woman dressed completely in green with short, slightly fuzzy dark hair pulled into neat little stubs atop her head. The woman had dark eyes that seemed to pierce through Meisal's skin, and the girl found herself frozen for a moment before swallowing and pulling away from the stranger's touch.

"You seem lost," the woman said, not unkindly. "Are you alright?"

Apparently, Meisal's phony confidence hadn't been to good of a cover. She surveyed the woman briefly, sizing her up-- she seemed kind, and these people all seemed to assume that she was a human, just like them. The woman gave Meisal no reason to distrust her, but still-- Meisal had too much experience with fake smiles and crocodile tears to just blindly follow anyone who seemed less than evil. Wait-- how could Meisal remember that from her past? Why was some of her life missing from her memory, but not that part?

"Child?" The woman peered into Meisal's eyes, concern showing plainly on her pretty face. "Are you alright?"

"Yes," Meisal forced herself to reply. "I'm fine. Just-- looking for someone."

"Perhaps I can be of assistance," the woman offered kindly. "My name if Nakia. Can you tell me yours?"

"Um--" Meisal thought for a moment before blurting out, "Menda. It's Menda."

Menda?  Where did that come from?

"Hello, Menda," Nakia said warmly, clearly unsuspecting of the fact that Meisal might be lying. "So, can you tell me who it is you're looking for?"

Suddenly, Meisal felt a rush of knowledge-- like a revelation had just come to her, flying out of nowhere. I'm here to find someone.

"My--" Meisal paused, unsure of what to say. She was looking for someone-- but who? She felt like it was a male-- could it be her father? Yes, that sounded right-- she couldn't remember her father, so she must have never met him.

"My father," Meisal replied, thinking quickly. "I-- I was supposed to meet him somewhere, but I forgot where." Then, thinking she might as well make this all look convincing, she added, with a tone of embarrassment, "I'm a very forgetful person."

"Is that so?" Nakia asked, a distinct chuckle in her voice. "Well, I'll help you. Come along, Menda, let's go find your father."

**  **  **

"So you're saying that a teenaged girl commandeered an alien spaceship meant to be flown by a crew of three or more highly advanced space pilots, and that after she crashed on earth, she was well enough to fight off you and four other S.H.E.I.L.D agents by herself with nothing but a crowbar, without gaining a scratch? And that she's now roaming freely around Wakanda, carrying this crowbar with her, and nobody knows about it?"

The five Avengers who were currently present in Wakanda were once again gathered around the meeting table, but this time, Nick Fury and Shuri, T'challa's sister, were also there, along with several S.H.I.E.L.D agents, including the ones that had been beaten up by this mysterious girl.

"Yes," Fury replied, addressing Natasha, who had been the one asking the question. Of course, to the Avengers, this all seemed quite ludicrous-- how could a teenager possibly get their hands on such advanced alien technology? And even if they did, how could they pilot such a complex craft? Still, Fury and the four other agents all testified to it, and it seemed unlikely that they had all suffered brain damage and come up with the same fantasy. Besides, the evidence all pointed to what they were suggesting-- one person and one person only had been in the ship.

"Well, that means we've got a crazy assassin on the loose," Steve pointed out, "and we're the only ones that know about it."

"I've already sent drones out to scan the streets to find her," Shuri told him, "but since the information we got about her looks are slim and we have no other way of identifying her, it will take time and the results may be imprecise."

"We need to find a more efficient way of doing this," Natasha said.

"More efficient that a squadron of high-tech drones scanning the entire country using every gram of information we have of this girl?"

"You literally just said that the results would be imprecise."

"I meant--"

"Alright," T'challa interrupted quickly, knowing how quickly his sister could get into an argument, "we can settle this easily. We ourselves should go out and try to find her-- that way, we can be sure of success-- and it is, admittedly, a more-- a more civilized approach," he added with an apologetic glance at his sister, who huffed and crossed her arms of indignation. "Human confrontation would seem less threatening than a drone flying up to her and scanning her all over without explanation."

"She might be hostile, though," one of the agents pointed out. Nick Fury shook his head.

"Our injuries weren't serious enough to point to a vicious and hostile assassin," he said. "She deliberately left us all alive and in a fairly good condition-- I mean, someone wrapped my head in my jacket to keep me from dying of blood loss, and it wasn't any of you." He eyed his agents almost accusingly, as if he were indignant at having been saved by a little girl while his agents had done nothing to help. "Keep that in mind-- and try to avoid a fight, especially if she's out in public. We can't risk civilian casualties over something that can be sorted out so easily."

"Right," said Wanda, who was already out of her seat and crossing the room. "Let's get going. I don't know about any of you, but I'm eager to see who this assassin-slash-innocent girl really is."

The Legacy of Meisal Mendadaughter~ Avengers fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now