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Fsanian regretted leaving his army behind. He should have waited for a at least a few to board the ship before he retreated, because now, he was stuck flying just above Midguard with nobody aboard his ship, tending to his wounds and waiting for reinforcements.

He couldn't believe that snivelling little girl had beaten him again. The first time she'd caught him off guard, and she'd used her little super power-- but the second time, she'd been weaker, unbalanced, and vulnerable. Clearly, however, she'd made a few friends, and they were quite powerful-- he winced at the reminder, fingering his wound that the maniac with the hammer had given him in his chest. As if his throat injury from that bitch hadn't been enough-- but at least he'd gotten to bite her. Still, he wished--

"Lord Fsanian," a crackling automated voice said, interrupting his furious thoughts, "incoming call from Fort Nox."

Fsanian chuckled at the mention of his fortress-- ever since he's first visited earth to recruit some Midguardians for his Order, he'd been fascinated with their ways and had wanted to use them in his own world. So, he had named his fortress after one that was located on earth, although with a slightly different spelling to make it his own-- and Fort Knox became Fort Nox.

"Accept call," Fsanian ordered, and at once, the wavering image of a blond-haired boy appeared on screen. "My Lord," he acknowledged, bowing his head deeply.

"At ease... my son." Fsanian said with a nod of his own. The boy in particular was named Htic, and he was one of Fsanian's best-- not counting the girl, although she was no longer his favourite. Htic was half Asgardian and half Midguardian, although he had killed both his parents and renounced his alliance to either realms. The boy was young but powerful, and he craved victory. He fought fiercely and never stopped at the bare minimum-- instead, he rocketed for the stars and refused to fall down. He was definitely on the road to becoming Fsanian's next champion-- and, if Fsanian ever did die, his predecessor.

"We are almost there," Htic was saying, "and when we arrive, you can rest assured that we will slaughter all who dare to defy us."

"Good," Fsanian replied, "because... I want... that little bastard... in my hands." He tilted his head back, revealing the full extent of his wounds to Htic, who flinched away in obvious disgust. "I... will make her pay... for what she... has done," he rasped, "and I... am not afraid... to kill... everyone... who tries... to stop me."

"We share your hatred," Htic replied grimly, "and we are unwilling to allow Meisal to go free. She will face us and be punished for her crimes against the Order of Nox, and if she dares try to escape again, she will be sentenced--"

"To a fate... worse... than death," Fsanian finished, "for that... is her... fate."

"Yes," Htic agreed, "for a fate worse than death is the worst we can do."

**  **  **

"I hope everybody's comfy," Fury said as he marched into the room, "because this is gonna be long and tedious."

"I can stand the long and tedious process," said Steve, "if it means getting the truth."

Just as Natasha had predicted, all of the Avengers had been called in, even Spiderman, who, ever since becoming a fully-fledged member of the team, had been so eager to have a real mission that he had begged and pleaded with Tony to be allowed to come to Wakanda. Now, he was seated in what was sort of like a theatre along with everyone else, watching Meisal, who was sitting uncomfortably at the front. There was a mirror in front of her, in case she need to dive for more memories, and she was preparing to be drilled with questions by the curious (and suspicious) avengers.

"First of all," Tony said after Fury had sat down, meaning that everyone was present, "what are you exactly?"

"Human," Meisal replied.

The Legacy of Meisal Mendadaughter~ Avengers fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now