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Okay, sorry, I lied-- that last chapter was pretty empty, aside from some dialogue and space-fillers. This chapter, though, will tell all. I swear.


Loki wasn't sure how things had escalated so quickly. One moment, the alien was simply standing there, surveying things, and the next moment, he was flying through the air, landing one someone's head, clawing their skin off, killing them. He was dangerous, lethal-- seemingly made to kill and do little else.

"Give her... to me... or else...I will... kill you...all..." the alien had a raspy, gargling voice, clearly brought upon by his wounded throat. Loki couldn't imagine what sort of creature could give scars and burns of such severity to so powerful an alien, but lo and behold, there stood living proof that there was such a creature in existence. Loki thought those scars looked familiar-- not the body the scars were on, but the wounds themselves bore some resemblance to something he'd once seen. Indeed, if he wasn't mistaken, he would say that those scars had once been on someone he'd watched being healed.

"We know nothing of what you speak, foul creature," Thor retorted after the alien had finished gurgling out his threat. "And we do not fear you or your kind. Be gone from earth, you hideous monsters!"

This only prompted the alien to laugh. It was a disturbing sound, like a thousand knives all rubbing together. Loki's skin crawled as he listened to the creature laugh, finding this whole thing evidently very amusing. Once the thing was done laughing, he resumed his raspy speech.

"You... are fools... to try... and... stop us," he said, looking around at the people gathered there. He smiled eerily, the corners of his mouth not quite reaching his ears, and continued, "you... are nothing... in my path. You have come here... to fight me? The you... have come here... to die."

He raised his right hand, and immediately, his otherworldly entourage began to move. They rose and faced the Wakandan army, raising their weapons and screaming shrilly, as if they were starving and were about to be fed with human flesh. Loki realized, with a slight shiver down his spine, that they might very well be about to.

"Very well then," said T'challa, stepping forwards. He was wearing his panther suit, making his voice sound much deeper and gruffer than it really was. "You may try and fight us. But you will fail, you vile beast."

"We... shall see..." the alien rose his left hand slowly, and the eyes of his army rose with it. Loki could feel the tension building, and when the alien sliced his hand down suddenly, letting out a great (although raspy) battle cry, the tension was broken, and the army charged.

All hell broke loose. Loki pulled out his dagger, regretting having never requested that Tony make him a more modern day Midguardian weapon, and began to fight. He thrust the dagger this way and that, using his magic to confuse the enemy, but it was difficult when he couldn't see who the enemy was very well. There were so many bodies flying this way and that, so much screaming and shouting, and so many people and aliens fighting all at once, it was hard to keep track of who was doing what and where. For example, Loki didn't realize that he wasn't using his magic to disguise Meisal until he had already lost total track of her.

Which, he recollected, was probably very, very, bad.

Loki swung his dagger, stabbing a large, slimy black alien in the chest, and jumped over the falling body to gain a better vantage point. From there, he could see that everything had devolved into chaos, and that he had absolutely no hope of finding Meisal in all this.

In eight seconds, that wasn't his main concern, because all of a sudden, he was grabbed by the throat and hauled downwards.

Loki hit the ground hard on his back, crying out it pain and struggling to stand and face his attacker. He saw, to his horror, the big man himself, that revolting alien with blood/oil running like a waterfall from his mouth, looming over him, grinning wildly, his sword raised, ready to strike. Loki rolled out of the way just in time and narrowly avoided being impaled, literally feeling the wind rushing by his side as the weapon collided with the earth. It became lodged in, giving Loki a chance to regain his footing and aim his dagger at the alien.

The Legacy of Meisal Mendadaughter~ Avengers fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now