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Loki lay on his back in his cell, his entire body on fire with pain. Apparently, electrocuting him hadn't been enough for Htic, so the evil boy had sent several large, armed warriors down to his cell to rough him up. Needless to say, the experience had not been and happy one for Loki.

The injured god tried to shift his head to inspect his numerous wounds, but it hurt too much, so he just lay there, wondering if perhaps he would just die. It was unlikely, of course, that Fsanian would kill him— or let him die— but there was always hope.

Loki shook his head. How low could he have really sunk that death was considered a blessing? That he hoped to simply fade away from life rather than fight to keep it?

Loki winced in pain as he moved his head, focusing on the deep cuts in his now bare torso. The warriors had been careful not to cut any arteries or disrupt any organs, and one of them had apparently been trained in some kind of magic that kept him from dying while they beat him, cut him, broke his bones.

That only made the process more painful. But nothing was as painful as the thought that no one might come for him, that he might die here, alone and worthless, lying weakened and wounded in a cold, dark dungeon, thinking that he might be saved only to learn too late that he had been forsaken by the people he had trusted to be his friends.

Loki thought of Thor, his brother, if not by blood then by bond. His mighty strength that yielded for his compassion and gentleness. His protective nature, his cheerful outlook on life, his promises to keep Loki safe and never let any harm come to him. Thor was coming, he had to be.

Loki thought of Valkyrie— she was beautiful, he recollected, but deadly. She was like a battle angel-- the angel of death. And yet she still managed to attract Loki's affection.

He wondered when he should tell her that. Maybe never. Probably never. He had rehearsed his speech to her many times in a mirror, trying to perfect his facial expression and tone and posture, but to no avail. It wasn't that he was a bad speaker or he was ugly-- it was just that he was terrified of admitting to Valkyrie that he had a crush on her.

He was terrified now, too. Terrified that he was never going to escape. He was afraid to imagine what it would be like to spend the rest of his life locked up in a dismal dungeon, shut away from the outside world, never to feel the sun on his face or the wind in his hair--

A sudden crash snapped Loki out of his stupor. He whipped his head around, his senses alert and paranoid due to his recent torture. Loki peered through his cell bars, half-expecting to see more guards coming to torment him, but the sight that met his eyes was better.

And worse.

It was Gamora. She was being lead be three guards, chains securing her hands and keeping her attached to the guards that flanked her. She didn't appear to be hurt at fist glance, but as she trudged forwards, Loki noticed a painful-looking bolt-shaped scar on her neck-- similar to the one he had received from the electricity that Htic had used on him not long ago. He stared at her, his feelings a mixture of confusion and fear-- confusion because he didn't know what Gamora was doing here, and fear because if she was here, as a captive, then the others might have suffered the same fate.

Or worse.

Loki banished the painful thought and focused on where Gamora was placed-- the cell next to him, which was slightly bigger and much darker. Gamora didn't make eye contact, and Loki had enough sense not to act like he knew her. If the guards had any reason to suspect that Gamora was in league with Loki, then the consequences would be dire.

Gamora fell to her knees in her cell and glared at the guards as they undid her chains and slammed the door shut, smirking down at her but never speaking. As they passed his cell, one of the guards leaned over and peered at Loki's face. The god froze, trying to calm his thundering heart and quell the panic swelling in his chest, and tried to focus on something other than his pain and fear. At length the guard stopped looking and left.

The Legacy of Meisal Mendadaughter~ Avengers fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now