Lies, Lies, and more Lies

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Htic threw his dagger into the wall, wishing that he could throw away his pain and anger with it. Ever since he had gone to pay Loki a visit, he had been feeling nothing but bitter jealousy and contempt. Jealousy of Meisal, who had actually managed to evade them, evade him, probably no where near this damn fortress, sitting smugly on earth, thinking that she was beginning anew, starting fresh, making a new life.

Oh, how wrong she was.

Htic hadn't just gone to see Loki. There was another, more sensitive captive, held deep within the fortress, hidden almost completely, an certainly hidden from Meisal. In fact, Htic thought he'd go down to see that captive right now.

Tearing his dagger from the wall, Htic strode from his room, making sure to grab a fresh tase grenade on his way out. He loved those things.

But he loved Meisal more.

No. No, he didn't love Meisal, he didn't love anyone. Love was the deadliest and most unbeatable weapon of them all, love hurt and tortured and killed, love broke the mightiest warriors and rose the weakest to power. It was not love that drove Htic to feel that Meisal was more than an opponent, it was lust. He listed after her. He longed for her, longed to see he perfect body, hear her voice, touch her beam pale, cold skin. He knew that she was a monster, a hulking, hideous beast, but he didn't care. He knew ways of conquering Meisal's inner demonic ways— at least, he has thought he knew. Now, he was certain of one thing and one thing only— he needed his revenge on Meisal.

He'd technically been the first to strike— Htic knew things, things Meisal would never know, things he and the Order and Fsanian had done, and that made all of Meisal's beating Htic in combat and becoming Fsanian's champion worth it. Still, Meisal had wounded Fsanian and fled the order, causing them great trouble, and tearing Htic to pieces. He needed his revenge, needed the satisfaction of having killed that little Frost Giant bitch with his own bare hands.

Little Frost Giant. Ha.

Htic reached th cell in a matter of minutes, approaching the bared doors in silence,  of out of caution, but because he wanted to give this new captive a scare. Htic reached his fingers through the bars and peered into th darkness, barely making out a slumped figure barely stirring amidst all the grime and mould. "Hey," he called, leaning on the bars casually. The figure barely moved, and to Htic dismay, it appeared to be asleep.

"HEY!" He bellowed, slamming his fist against the bars to make loud bang. The figure jumped, and the captive turned his head quickly. Catching sight of Htic , it shrank against the wall and shook its head, clutching its knees to its chest. "Please, please not any more," it begged pitifully. "Leave me alone."

Htic leaned downwards, raising the grenade menacingly. "But I need to drop this gift off for you." He dropped the orb into the cell, watching in silent amusement as the captive screamed and writhed in pain as the electricity shocked him, the light illuminating its features- pale, bruised skin, tangled hair, torn clothing. Htic turned away as the screams died, signifying that the orb was done. As Htic walked away, he heard a feeble moan issuing from the cell, and he turned to see the captive pulling itself up using the bars, weak and wounded.

"I'd stay down if I were you," Htic remarked, nodding his head. "Asher."

**  **  **

Meisal held her breathe as she piloted the pod towards the entrance to the fortress. She wished her palms would stop sweating and her heart would stop pounding, but the only thing as could do was breathe deeply and tell herself to calm down.

"Okay," she muttered, narrowing her eyes as she neared the gateway. "Just get past the guard and get to your room. Or wherever you get sent. Then you work on the tech and rely on Thor and Gamora to get Loki out of prison." Meisal glanced backwards at her unconscious companions, feeling slightly guilty as she eyed the shackles she had placed on the wrists while they slept. She'd only thought to shackle them after she'd tased them, meaning they would wake up and find that they had been tied up without knowing that Meisal had only done it to make things look authentic. She trusted that Gamora would understand why Meisal had shackled them, but Thor worried her. She knew that he doubted her still, and she was unsure of whether or not she should trust him in return.

"Identify yourself," the guard who stood at the gateway demanded as Meisal's pod slowed to a halt by his station. The guard wore a thick black vest that Meisal knew to be bulletproof, and she couldn't help but shudder as she noticed the guard's massive saber that sat idly at his hip, as well as the collection of taze grenades that sat by his feet.

"I am Meisal--" Meisal's voice caught in her throat, knowing that she was going to have to use her full name to make the guard understand her true identity. "Meisal Laufeydaughter," she continued, twisting her feet uncomfortably as her lips formed the name of her father.

"Meisal." The guard raised his head, and Meisal saw that he was a Cree. She resisted the urge to gasp, but instead nodded stoically. "I have returned to face Fsanian and accept whatever punishment must come my way. Then I wish to rejoin you." She hoped she looked as confident as she was trying to seem. The Cree looked her over, then slowly reached over and pushed a button to his left-- and intercom. "I require his Lordship Fsanian's presence at the loading bay," he said, "tell him we have a-- an unexpected visitor."

Meisal waited with baited breathe as she watched the double doors slide open to reveal the loading bay. She peered into it but didn't get out of her pod, knowing that if Fsanian wanted to kill her, she was going to have to get out of here quick. She shot a quick glance back at her fake captives to ensure that they were still out, then turned her attention back the bay.

Fsanian appeared in a matter of minutes, his long, black robes trailing behind him like a gothic wedding dress and his guards ghosting his footsteps. He still bore the hideous scars on his neck and he smiled oddly at Meisal as he caught sight of her, still seated awkwardly in the pod. "My child," he rasped, extending his hand to thin air as if waiting for someone to take it. "You've... returned."

"Indeed I have, my lord," Meisal replied, hating having to refer to Fsanian as 'her lord' but knowing that it was necessary to save Loki. "Ever since I left you, I have missed you. I longed to return to you for so, so long-- and at last, I have."

"At last," Fsanian echoed. "It... has been... three days."

"Three days the felt like an eternity," Meisal replied, gaining confidence by the second. "I beg of you, my lord, take me back."

"Come out... of your pod," Fsanian ordered, and Meisal complied, making sure to let him see her captives. His expression changed from bland amusement to curiosity as his eyes fell upon the unconscious Thor and Gamora. "I see... you have brought... gifts," he acknowledged, nodding for his guards to remove the bodies. "That one... fought with you... on Terra."

"On earth? Yes, his name is Thor." Meisal explained as she jumped nimbly from the pod to the floor of the loading bay. "He is of Asgard, and he is the... the god of thunder." There was a collective gasp from among Fsanian's guards, and Fsanian himself looked impressed. "I captured him easily enough," Meisal bragged, mentally apologizing to Thor for the lies she was about to tell. "He is strong in stature, but in truth, he is dumb as an ox. He was easy to trick; I had only to make him believe this was a rescue mission. I lured him away from ear-- from Terra, and I stunned him with a taze grenade. Then I shackled him and brought him here."

"What about this one?" The Cree guard asked, pointing to Gamora, who was lying across the floor, her lovely black and purple hair sticking in all directions. "She's a Cree, isn't she?"

"Yes," Meisal answered, "and she used to work for Thanos. We met on Terra-- she was a runaway, like me-- and I offered her a partnership. She foolishly agreed and came with me here, where I did the same to her as I did to this dumbass thunder-wonder." Meisal decided she would emphasize, and so she kicked Thor in the side, hoping, through his unconsciousness, he wouldn't feel it. "And now," she concluded, turning to Fsanian, "I present them as captives to you. Do as you please with them." 

Fsanian surveyed the unconscious prisoners for a moment, his expression unreadable. Meisal held her breathe, hoping desperately that her plan would work. If it didn't-- well, if it didn't, she didn't know what she would do.

Finally, Fsanian raised his head and leveled his gaze to meet Meisal's blue-green eyes. "I always knew you were the best," he said proudly, throwing his arms wide in a welcoming gesture. Meisal broke into a relived smile and stuck her chin in the air. "My thanks, Lord Fsanian," she replied, barely able to contain her relief and joy.

"Welcome home, Meisal," the Cree guard said, and Meisal nodded briefly in his direction as she walked off with Fsanian, leaving the others to drag Gamora and Thor to the dungeons.

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