The Truth At Last

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When Loki woke up, he was lying on a slightly stiff bed, his head cushioned on something soft and smooth, dressed completely in a thin black gown that was open mostly at the back. Thankfully, he realized, it was open at the small of his back, and now any lower, for that would make this whole situation even more embarrassing that it already was. He, Loki, was lying in a hospital, having had someone obviously carry him here, change his clothes, and then lay him down here, on this oddly stiff and not at all comfortable bed.

At least his wounds had ben healed.

"Loki?" A familiar voice sliced through his miserable thoughts and made him start. "Are you awake?"

"Thor?" Loki squinted at the wavery image of a man that seemed to materialize above him. He blinked, trying to get the fog to clear from his eyes, as the face of his brother came clearly into view, concern evident on his features.

"Are you okay? You took quite a beating."

"Yeah," Loki muttered, still embarrassed about his situation. He tried to sit up, but his head swelled with pain and he laid back down again, unwilling to go through more useless pain. He closed his eyes and moaned, waiting for the throbbing ache in his head to die down again.

"What happened to me?" Loki asked once the pain had subsided. "That--alien-- it attacked me, right?"

"Yes," Thor replied, "you fought well, but he overpowered you. You'd be dead now if it weren't for Meisal."

"Meis-- oh, yeah," Loki said, recognition dawning on him as Thor spoke. "She- she saved me?"

"Just in time," Thor responded darkly. "You could have died, Loki. And you would have-- you're lucky she managed to get that thing off of you."

"Well, she did owe me," Loki replied, trying again to sit up and staying upright this time. "I'm assuming she told you how she broke out of her cell?"

"Actually, no," Thor replied. "She told us she got out herself, but she wouldn't tell us how. It was only when we checked the security footage that we discovered you had rescued her." He furrowed his brow and stared at his brother intensely. Loki resisted the urge to squirm under his older brother's iron gaze. "Why did  you save her, anyways?" Thor asked.

"I... I felt bad for her," Loki replied, seeing no reason to lie. "I wanted her to be able to tell her story from outside a cell-- and because I knew that if we left her in there, she'd just assume we were all bad and try to kill us."

"You could have said that," Thor admonished. "Rather than cause al this--"

"I didn't cause this!" Loki cried, ignoring the pain that fired up his head and shot through his brain as he did so. "I simply chose--"

"You chose poorly," Thor continued, "you chose the wrong thing. Loki, I know you've tried hard to gain their trust, and I know it's difficult for you to understand how any of us could trust you, but please, please try to understand this-- if you know something, then tell us. Any one of us. Tell me, or Natasha, or Steve-- hell, even tell Tony. Just don't keep information to yourself. And don't let strange alien girls run loose through the Wakandan palace."

 Loki would have lashed out with a silver-tongued response, but he felt suddenly very tired, and he had to fight the sudden urge to collapse back onto the bed. Thor seemed to notice this and gently gripped his brother's arm, concern back on his face.

"Loki?" Thor shook his brother gently, trying to see what was wrong. "Are you alright? Should I fetch Shuri?"

"N-no," Loki replied shakily, rubbing his wounded head and sighing heavily. "I-I... I'm fine."

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