A Girl Who Fell From the Sky

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This is gonna be long and packed with information. Sorry about the slow beginning, by the way.


Loki approached Menda's cell cautiously, eyeing the strange girl curiously. She appeared to be locked in an intense staring contest with the glass, her eyes stormy, and her muscles taut with apparent exertion. Loki stepped toward her, his eyebrows raised, and his hands held up in front of him in case she tried something.

"Hello," he said, peering at the girl. She glanced up at him and smiled faintly. "I was waiting for you," she said. "You took longer than I expected."

"I had to wait for the others to disperse," Loki explained, reaching over and unlocking the cell doors. Menda stepped out and rolled her shoulders, obviously relieved to be out of her cell.

"So you're the trickster of the group," she observed. Loki smirked. "Something like that."

"You don't trust them," Menda added, changing Loki's smirk to a frown. "They trust you, but you don't think they deserve your trust yet."

"And how would you know that?"

"I know these things," Menda said mysteriously. Loki shifted uncomfortably. He was used to being the one who knew what other people were thinking, and not the other way around.

"Well, come one then, Menda," he said, making a sweeping gesture to the doors. Menda nodded, the paused. "My name's Meisal," she informed him, before walking down the hallway and towards her freedom.

**  **  **

This was the fourth time Natasha had found herself in the meeting room today. Shuri had told them all about the ship that was coming in, and now, all of the Avengers who were in Wakanda were gathered again. All, of course, except...

"Has anyone seen Loki?" Thor asked as he strode in, his long red cape billowing out behind him and his golden hair (which had started growing back after the Sakaar incident) flowing like a waterfall of tangled sunlight.

"No," Steve replied with a frown. "He stayed behind after we all left. This is the last place I've seen him."

"Regardless of where Loki is," Fury interrupted, "we have a problem. Some big-ass space ship is landing in Wakanda, and it seems to be hostile." He glanced momentarily at Shuri before adding, "it appears to made up of the same stuff that Menda's spaceship is. There were traces of vibranium found in her craft and the design in unique to any that we've seen before. Whatever it is that's coming to pay us a visit is connected to out newest guest."

"Should we ask her about it?" Natasha suggested. "I could probably draw something out of her--"

"As helpful as that would be," T'challa replied, "we don't have time. Those ships will be landing in less than ten minutes and we must be ready for their arrival. We cannot risk civilian casualties if these people--or, more likely, aliens-- are hostile and looking for a fight."

"Then we should go now," Vision said, "before they land, and be present for their arrival. Make it clear to them who we are and what we will do if they are here to fight."

"We can't all go," Bucky countered. "Some of us should stay behind and protect the people, just in case."

"And defend the palace," Wanda echoed. "A ship of that size could be carrying an army, and we can't very well leave the palace full of people unguarded under such circumstances."

"Agreed," T'challa said. "Shuri, Wanda and Clint will remain here, and James, Sam and  Nakia will go to the village and protect the people. The rest of us will go to greet our visitors. Are there any complaints?"

The Legacy of Meisal Mendadaughter~ Avengers fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now