Every Second Counts

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Meisal had never experienced the feeling of having her head almost explode because her brain was thinking with such intensity that she couldn't handle it, but she was feeling it now, and she hated it.

Blinded, bent, twisted, spent, trapped in a death box, ready to pay, this is a game nobody likes to play. Meisal shook her head in frustration. The riddle made no sense-- blinded, bent, twisted spent-- obviously, that part was alluding to what was happening, or going to happen, to Loki. The only problem was there were so many places in Fort Nox where you could be tortured, and torture could include having your eyes gouged out, or breaking bones, and all of those classified as being blinded, bent, and twisted. The 'spent' part could mean anything, she thought in dismay.

"Trapped in a death box," she muttered, racking her brain to try and recall any place where there was a box that could kill you. The hanger, maybe, because it was full of differently shaped ships... and if Loki was jettisoned into space, then he wouldn't survive...

Space. Meisal gasped. That was it. The doom boxes, the space coffins, whatever people called them. They were like coffins-- boxes-- and they were in blinding white rooms, made for special executions.

Meisal rose to her feet and rushed towards the door, pausing only momentarily to stare at Ash's corpse. She sucked in her breathe, closed her eyes, and shook away the pain, the guilt, and the anger.

Now was not the time for emotion.

Now was the time for action.

Meisal raised her knives as she hurried down the hallway, knowing that she would be attacked. Two seconds after thinking this, she ran right into a group of five soldiers, all sporting blasters.

Meisal sighed, raising her knives to fight.

**  **  **

Gamora rushed down the hallway, carrying her blaster at the ready, wary of each tiny noise that reached her ears. She's just escaped from her jail cell by convincing one of the guards to give her a kiss, then she'd slipped his own knife from his belt and stabbed him through, stolen the keys, and fought her way out of the cell block. She hadn't run into anyone yet, but she assumed that was because they were all after Meisal. She'd heard the announcement, which had filled her with rage for Htic and fear for Loki. Gamora hadn't understood the riddle, but she knew that wherever he was, he couldn't be very safe.

At least she'd managed to bully Thor's location out of one of the guards before she killed him. And with any luck, the thunder god wouldn't be too badly injured. She doubted, in fact, that he would be injured at all.

Gamora arrived at Thor's cell block, and was surprised to see no one on guard. Perhaps the guards that were with Thor weren't as reliable as the ones guarding her. It didn't matter. She pushed the door open and found a fairly small room with a barred-off area to the side, and sitting behind the bars, contorting his arm painfully to try and reach the keyhole outside, was Thor.

Gamora stepped over to him, arching an eyebrow. Thor looked up in surprise, the smiled.

"Hey," he grinned, holding out the keys for her to take. Gamora quickly unlocked the cell door and allowed Thor to step out, rolling his shoulder and wincing.

"You heard the announcement, I presume?" Gamora asked. Thor's face darkened. 

"I did," he growled, "and by Odin's beard, these bastards shall pay for my brother's pain."

"Then let's go," Gamora said.

**  **  **
"Hey!" Quill came bursting restlessly through the door of the back room of the Milano, out of breath and looking slightly panicked. Everyone looked up in surprise. "I am Groot?" Groot questioned, looking up from his game and peering curiously at his captain.

The Legacy of Meisal Mendadaughter~ Avengers fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now