Sounds like a Plan

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Meisal stared at the fortress, her heart pounding. The last time she'd seen this, Meisal had been racing to escape a fleet of fighter jets, and she'd assumed that she'd never be coming back. Yet here she was, flying straight towards Fort Nox, fully prepared to go inside.

"Wow," Rhodey breathed, taking it in. Meisal understood his awe. The fortress was massive, made completely of some kind of strange, glowing, black stones, built so huge that it stuck right out of the planet it was positioned on. The planet didn't even have a name, but was just called 'Nox', at least by those who knew it existed. Meisal wasn't sure how the Guardians had been able to find the fortress; Fsanian had gone to great lengths to cloak the fortress and make it nearly impossible to find. Still, she was glad that Gamora had managed to find it, otherwise Loki would be doomed.

Loki. Right. Onto the rescue mission.

"So this is it," Rocket said, looking the fortress up and down. "It's big, I'll give ya that."

"I am Groot," Groot said, which Meisal gathered was something in agreement with Rocket. "How are we supposed to even get in that thing?" Tony asked, pursing his lips.

"We're not," Meisal told him. "Or at least, you're not. I'm going to pretend to turn myself in, and once I've gotten inside, I'll have all the technology on my side. All I have to do is open the gates and you all can mosey on in. We'll be in and out in no time."

"And where does rescuing Loki come in to play?" Thor asked. Meisal paused.

"I guess I'll have to go and get him sometime during my brief stay," she decided. "Don't worry, I've got this."

Tony stared at Meisal for a moment, then said, "You've been to earth before, haven't you."

"What?" Meisal turned to him. "What-- what makes you say that?"

"You seem to know an awful lot about it," Tony replied, "and you know our expressions. Like 'dude', and 'I've got this' and all that." He shook his head. "Asgardians don't say that. Jotuns don't say that. You said you used to go on assassination missions-- you came to earth then, right?"

Meisal froze, unsure of whether or not she should lie. No, she decided, se shouldn't. "I have," she admitted, "but only twice. The first time was a short stay, saving a guy named Eric Selvig by stopping a drone that was sent to kill him, but the second time, I stayed a bit longer." Meisal stared out the window, not wanting to meet anyone's eye. "The second time, I met someone I loved.

"His name was Ashton, and he was sixteen years old-- his father was a S.H.I.E.L.D agent named David who was seen as a threat. I was sent to eliminate him, but after I saved his father, I met his son. We liked each other, so I stayed. I made up a phony story about David having gone on vacation and being hard to track down, and then I spent weeks with Ash, telling him stories, jokes, riddles, reciting poems and songs I'd written myself. In return, Ash taught me all about earth, all about the dialect, the culture, the people. It was with Ash that felt really happy, the first time since my village was wiped out at since my freedom was taken away that I had really wanted to keep on living. I spent my weeks there in such bliss, but I knew that those happy days had to end. It broke my heart to leave Ash, but when I did, I knew I was protecting him. The longer I stayed with him, the bigger chance there was of him being discovered by the Order, and if that were to happen, I wouldn't be able to protect him.

"I never wanted to leave. But I did anyways. And after that, I never took assignments on earth. I knew that if I did, I would never be able to leave, and even now, it's hard not to regret my decision."

**  **  **

Loki moaned as he rolled over, his entire body aching. After the little orb had stopped shocking him, Loki had fainted, succumbing to his injuries and exhaustion and falling into a deep sleep that had lasted--

The Legacy of Meisal Mendadaughter~ Avengers fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now