The Grand Finale

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I apologize for the long read, but I hope it was worth it. I think this will be the last chapter, though-- I'm probably gonna write a follow-up story/stories about Loki and Meisal. Also, there is a half-assed Sherlock reference hidden within. It's really stupid. But if you catch it, then cuodos to you.


Thor gaped at Meisal, fully aware of how thoroughly baffled he looked. The Jotun girl stared back at him, blue-green eyes gleaming joyfully as her mouth split into a wide grin. "Bet you didn't think I was gonna do that, now, did you?" She laughed, flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"I am Groot?" Groot asked, staring at Gamora almost accusingly. The former assassin raised her hands in defense. "I-- thought she was dead," she said. Then, turning to Meisal she asked, "how aren't  you?"

"This guy," Meisal said, jerking her head towards Dey, who grinned and waved. "I was as good as dead, floating aimlessly in space, when he crashed into me with his ship."

"At first," Dey put in, "I thought she was an operative of the Order of Nox, but then I pulled her on board and she wasn't dead and she knew you guys, so I figured she must be a good guy."

"Still," Thor said, finally finding his voice, "how could you have lasted that long out in open space? It would have killed anyone else--"

"I thought I was going to die," Meisal replied, "I saw Htic die-- thankfully-- but I didn't die. I waited, then I saw a light and thought I was dead, but--" Meisal trailed off, her grin fading into a contemplative look. "I saw... a vision. Of my mother. She told me I wasn't-- wasn't dead. Told me that I had to keep on living. And I lived." She smiled a strange, distant smile. "Then she told me not to resist when something crashed into me." She frowned. "That part seemed kinda weird-- that is, until Dey crashed into me two seconds after. It hurt. And it knocked me out. But I survived, so..."

There was an awkward pause. "Congrats on not dying," Rocket offered politely. "Thank you," Meisal responded with a diplomatic nod.

Her face suddenly shifted from a grin to a look of worry. "Where's Loki?" She asked, looking directly to Thor, who pointed down the hallway. "He's-- going to be alright," he told Meisal. "Follow me."

The two hurried down the hallway into Loki's room, where they were met with a gasp from Mantis and an inquisitive look from Wanda. "I thought you said she was dead," she remarked, glancing over at Meisal.

"I got better," Meisal muttered. "Can I see Loki?"

She didn't have to ask; her brother was lying on a bed, his legs covered with a single blanket and his shirtless torso covered in bloodied bandages. His hair was knotted and greasy (that is to say, more than usual) and his face looked paler than it ever had. But he was alive. And he was safe. 

Meisal didn't waste a second in rushing to her brother's side, kneeling on the floor by his bed. "Loki," she whispered, gently touching his hand and leaning in to his face. "Loki, it's me, it's Meisal--"

"Perhaps you should wake him up, Mantis," Wanda suggested. The young woman was still ogling at Meisal, but she snapped back to reality at the mention of her name.

"Of-of course," Mantis said, stepping around Meisal and placing her hand on Loki's forehead. She leaned in over him and whispered, "wake..."

There was a pause. Meisal held her breathe and Thor leaned in closer to his brother.

Loki surged forwards with a gasp, nearly head-butting Meisal and Mantis and sending his blanket flying. Wanda reached out a hand to steady him and Thor moved in to grab his brother;s hand.

The Legacy of Meisal Mendadaughter~ Avengers fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now