Should Have Raised an Eyebrow

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"So she refuses to even look at any of us," Natasha was saying, "and we're expected to interrogate her?"

"No," Fury said, "you're expected to trick her-- like you did with Loki when we had him. She's clearly not exactly the brightest bulb--"

"Yes she is," Nakia said. "She's just-- I honestly believe she is some kind of alien."

"One that looks human?" Steve asked skeptically.

"Or one that's not an alien at all," Natasha put in, "because it could be a human from another realm."

"Realm?" T'challa asked. "You mean the kind that that man, Thor, speaks of?"

"Yes," Natasha replied, "I mean that kind. She could be Asgardian, you know--"

"In which case Thor would be a big help," Steve said. "We should call him."

"Is he on earth at the moment?" Wanda asked.

"Of course he's on earth," Natasha replied, "Asgard was destroyed, remember?"

"Oh, yeah."

"Anyways," Vision interrupted, "I believe contacting Thor is a good idea. He would know a lot more about this than we do, even though I can tell a fair few things about this girl. Most of these things you will already know."

"What things?" Natasha asked almost eagerly.

"Well, her name is not Menda, she is not an actual teenager-- although I cannot tell what her true age is."

"I knew the first one," Fury said, "but how do you know she's not a real teenager?"

"I scanned her," Vision replied, "but something prevents me from knowing anything about her-- just what she's not."

"She's remarkably fast," Steve added, "and she's clever, too. She reminds me of someone, but I can't remember who exactly."

"Well, Thor doesn't have a phone," Shuri pointed out. "How are we expected to contact him?Send a raven?"

"We set him up with a communicator, remember?" Nakia told her. "Everyone was sick of Thor always complaining about not knowing what was going on, so we fixed the problem for him."

"Regardless," T'challa interjected, "we need to send him word quickly. This girl-- Menda, whoever she is-- needs to be dealt with. I don't know if she is much of a threat anymore, but I know I will sleep better knowing that the situation has been handled."

**  **  **

Thor and Loki arrived in Wakanda in a matter of hours, having flown there using Thor's hammer. Needless to say, Loki was not entirely pleased with this method of travel, and when the two landed, they were arguing heatedly about whether or not it was fair that Thor got to use Mjolnir whenever they needed to go somewhere. 

"It's humiliating," Loki was saying as Natasha and the others walked up. "Like Get Help and all that. It's--"

"It's not my  fault," Thor interrupted, "and it's a faster method of travel than walking."

Loki's silver-tongued reply was cut short by Natasha clearing her throat loudly, which drew the attention of both gods. "If you two are quite finished," she said, smirking, "we called you here for a reason."

"Of course," Thor said, striding forwards with great purpose. "How may we be of assistance?"

"Some weird-ass alien girl crashed in a field not to far from here," Fury announced, ducking his head to show Thor the scar that had resulted from his blow to the head. "She attacked us and got away without a scratch-- but she gave me this as a keepsake." He raised his head again, satisfied by the surprised look on the Norse god's face. "Steve caught her-- but she's quite stubborn. Thought you might be able to help out, seeing as she's from space-- and maybe from a different realm, too."

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