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"So these aliens are taking my brother to their layer," Thor said, pacing the floor worriedly, twirling his hammer as if he were itching for someone to pound with it. "Their layer, which is in outer space, and to do what exactly? Why did they take him?"

"Most likely because they missed me and got him instead," Meisal replied, leaning back in her chair. She'd been surprised at the Avengers response to her revelation-- rather than turning on her, hating her, or trying to kill her, Thor had told her that Loki was also Jotun and the others had assured her that she was still good in their books-- even Fury, who was still slightly upset about the whole 'cut-in-the-head' thing, had forgiven her.

It was far from what she'd anticipated. Far from what she'd believed to be the standard response to such news.

"I think they wanted Loki, too," Tony said, "I mean, it was a clear shot at either of you-- and they deliberately hit Loki, then made us all back up. That's not a mistake, kid-- Sani-who wanted your brother."

"If you're trying to pronounce Fsanian," Meisal said, "it's say-nee-in. Like, 'say, knee-- in!'"

"Now is not the time for jokes," Thor snapped, "we need to find Loki--"

"--Which is why we've contacted the Guardians," Steve said. "They can take you guys wherever you want to go."

"Who're the guardians?" Meisal asked. Steve grinned.

"They're an... interesting... bunch of people who-- ah-- guard the galaxy, I guess." He turned to Tony, who nodded. "To add to that magnificent  summarization," the genius said, glancing evilly at the super soldier, "they are a group of former mercenaries who roam the galaxy in search of those who need help. They're certainly an odd bunch, but they can be pretty useful when need be and some of them are pretty good fighters."

Meisal raised a skeptical eyebrow. "So, you called them in to take me to the Order of Nox so that I can save Loki? They do realize what they're walking in to, right? How much are you paying them?"

"Couple things," Natasha said, "firstly, you're not going to the Order of Nox-- we're going. Together. No way are we sending you in alone." She ticked off one finger. "Secondly, yes, they do know, and trust me, those guardians have done worse-- they'll be fine. And thirdly--" and wicked smirk crossed her face-- "we're not paying them up front-- they have a reputation for being a bit untrustworthy, so we refuse to give them a cent until they've completed their mission. After all, if they die, the money's of no use to them."

Meisal smiled. "Thank you," she said. "Not about-- not paying them up front. About the other thing. Going together."

"Did you think I would pass up an opportunity to rescue my little brother?" Thor asked. Meisal's smile broadened into a smirk.

"Of course not," she replied. "And I wouldn't dream of depriving you of such a satisfying mission."

Peter raised his chin. "Hey, Mr. Stark, can I come?"

Tony turned to face the boy. "No, Peter, you may absolutely not."

The spider-ling's face fell. Tony shrugged and turned away.

"Anyways," Clint said, "we need to know who's all going. We can't all very well go flying off into space."

"Well, I guess that means you're not," Natasha said with a playful smirk. Clint rolled his eyes good-naturedly.

"Seriously, though," Steve said, "who's going?"

Thor, Wanda, Vision, Tony, Rhodey and Peter put up their hands, although the latter's was put back down in about three seconds by a sudden severe look from Tony that Meisal was certain could have melted through lead. Steve nodded, surveying the volunteers.

The Legacy of Meisal Mendadaughter~ Avengers fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now