One Down

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"Are all of your guy's missions this boring?" Peter asked Quill. The two sat in the front of the ship, staring out at the stars and griping about their boredom.

"Nah," Quill replied, "most of them are exciting. And dangerous. I guess this one is, too, just not for us so much." He sighed as he thought of Gamora, out there, alone, locked away in some dungeon in a nearly impenetrable fortress. He hoped she was okay. He hopes she would come back soon.

"I'm kinda glad I didn't have to go," Peter said, as if he had read Quill's thoughts. "I mean, that fortress looks really cool, kinda like the Death Star, but also really scary, and I mean, like, I'm not a bad fighter, and I could handle myself, totally, but it seems really hard, and I'm kinda regretting ever coming, to be honest--"

"Hey, Peter's," came the voice of Wanda Maximoff from the hallway. "Stark wants to know when something is going to happen. He's very bored."

"So are we," Quill replied, "tell him to shut up and stop whining. We've only been waiting out here for around a day. Meisal has to get in Fort Nox before she can send us the signal. And Gamy and Thor have to get Loki before any of them can leave."

"Speaking of which." Wanda glanced behind her cautiously before slipping into a seat next to Quill. "Do you trust her?"

"Meisal? I don't know," Quill replied, "she's a little bit weird, but y'know, so are we. And I mean-- she kinda reminds me of Gamy."

"Gamora, you mean?" Wanda smiled. "I know. And in a way, she reminds me of-- me. I, too, became what I was because of someone else. I was enslaved and experimented on and forced to be a lab rat for a German madman. I helped Ultron get his vibranium and I hurt all of the Avengers by making them see their worst nightmares. I sent the Hulk on a rampage through a city and I sent a bomb flying through the window of a building full of people." She glanced down at her hands, emitting red, ribbon-like magic from her fingertips. "I even fought my fellow Avengers. I hurt Vis. I hurt Stark. I did unspeakable things. But the Avengers still accepted me. They still made me a part of their team." She smiled oddly. "I think that Meisal deserves that same charity from me."

Quill frowned. "Then why don't you trust her?"

"I do," Wanda replied, "but Stark doesn't." She frowned at the floor, her brow creased. "He trusts very few people, but there are levels to his trust-- there are those he trusts with his life, those he believes to be trustworthy but not worth his own trust, and then there are those who he cannot imagine will ever be trustworthy." She glanced up at Quill, her deep blue eyes boring into his skin and making him shift uncomfortably. "He does not think that Meisal is trustworthy at all."

Quill nodded. "I get why," he said, "I mean, from what I hear, she comes outta nowhere, kicks Fury's ass, leads Cap on a merry chase, and then there's aliens attacking earth and she's the one they're looking for and she's a frost giant." He shook his head. "Weird story."

Wanda shrugged. "I find that most stories are-- and Meisal has proven herself to be more than a good fighter. She's a good person, too."

"Then why doesn't Mr. Stark trust her?" Peter asked. Wanda pursed her lips.

"Stark isn't one for mysteries," she explained, "and he hates having to work alongside people who he can't understand-- who he can't control." She sighed. "It was like this when Pietro and I joined the team, the same when we met the guardians, and the same when Loki became an official member."

Quill shook his head. "See, this is why I like to be an open-minded captain."

**  **  **

Fsanian paced in his private chambers, hands clasped behind his back, thoughts in turmoil. Meisal, his champion, his favourite child, had returned to him. She had gone astray and come home once more. She had run away from him, but was now back in his arms, a part of his family, one of his own once again.

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