Final Breathes

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Ash didn't have time to react to the knife that was thrown at his face. Even he had had time, he didn't have the energy to move out of the way, so he just lay there, waiting as the weapon came flying at him.

It struck him in the throat, sliding neatly through it. He expected pain, but surprisingly, there was none-- just shock, and sorrow. Sorrow because he was never going to see Meisal again, never going to see his family again, never going to see his home again. He felt blood bubbling from his wound, felt it soaking his skin and what remained of his clothes, felt the knife sticking out the back of his neck. He let his head fall back, let the blood spill and gush. It didn't matter now.

A scream sounded in his ears.

Meisal was screaming. She was shrieking and howling to raise the dead, and it was hurting Ash's ears. He wished she'd stop. He wished she'd calm down and that he would have a nice, touching moment with her before he died. But that was fantasy-- the fantasy that death was a nice, neat thing, no mess, no screaming, no pain. That was false. Ash stared up at is screaming girlfriend-- for he still considered her that, even in death, even as he lay on a blood-soaked floor listening to her scream. Meisal finally stopped, and she gripped his head, yanking it up. That hurt. The knife shifted, and he felt her pulling it out, which only caused more blood to come flying out. A new sound came to Ash's ears-- laughter. Htic was laughing. Meisal was crying. Ash just lay there, watching Meisal cry. He wanted to say something, but it was hard. He was pretty sure his vocal cord had been sliced open.

He finally found his voice, but by then, he was all but dead. "M-meis-sal..." he gasped, choking on his own blood, "I... love..."

"Ash..." Meisal leaned in close, her lips grazing his face, regardless of the blood that covered it. "Ash, I--"

" you," Ash whispered, and died.

Meisal sat silently, frozen in time, her hands still clasped around the now-dead Ash's head, her head bowed over his corpse. She remained like this for a moment, then leaned in a little bit closer and lightly kissed him on the lips.

Then she rose to her feet, turned to Htic, and dove at him with the knife.

Htic swerved out of the way, still laughing uproariously. "Oh, but this is lovely!" He crowed, spinning to avoid another blow from Meisal. "You really loved  that thing, didn't  you, ducky?"

"SHUT UP!" Meisal screamed, slashing at Htic with the knife. "YOU ARE PATHETIC, AND COLD, AND-- AND-- AND A BITCH!"

Htic kept laughing, pulling two more daggers from his belt. "I think that word more correctly applies to you, love," he replied, blocking her next blow with his dagger. "I mean, after all, you do--"

Meisal dove right at Htic, allowing one if his daggers to graze her cheek and draw blood. Htic, who hadn't expected such a wild move, staggered backwards and was knocked down by her force. The guard, who, up until this point had been leaning idly against the wall, dove forwards to help his fallen master, but Meisal slashed him in the face, finishing him off with a stab to the gut. In a whirlwind of blades and fists, Meisal had disarmed and pinned down Htic and was sitting on his chest, her blade pressed to his throat, her face just inches away from his.

"You... really are... tough," Htic laughed, "I can see why Fsanian liked you best."

Meisal pushed the knife closer into his throat, drawing the slightest amount of blood. Yet something kept her from killing Htic, kept her from exacting her well-deserved revenge upon the boy who had tormented her, fought her, hurt her, and murdered her love. As she stared madly into Htic's eyes, the eyes of a murderer, a villain, and a monster, and she saw something different than what she had always seen.

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