I Like Your Brother, I'm Keeping Him

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It had only been a day since Meisal had last used her Jotun form, but she still felt awkward in it. She hated being bigger than everyone else, hated being blue, hated having red eyes, hated being able to do things like throw Htic out of her way, lift up something almost as heavy as she was in her human form, or give burns to Fsanian.

Yes, she had done that. When she was running away from the order, he'd caught her, and Meisal knew what the Order on Nox did to those who were caught running away. She knew because she'd seen it done, and it wasn't pretty-- once, a man named Caixer Rapid had been caught trying to escape once, and Fsanian had told all of his newest recruits-- including Meisal-- to come down to his private chambers and see what was going to happen to him. Meisal had been horrified-- the punishment for trying to run was nothing short of horrific. After over and hour of agonizing torture that consisted of the man being whipped with acid-covered thorns, having his skin cut into by knives laced with salt, and being forced to swallow a horrible-looking drink made of what Meisal thought to be human waste, Fsanian had sliced open the man's back, cutting right along his spine, and inserted a disc-- one that would make the man a mindless machine. It would force him to do whatever Fsanian wanted-- the disc would send some kind of robo-devices into his bloodstream that would make the man's body Fsanian's property. Meisal had always feared suffering the same fate, so when Fsanian stopped her in the hanger, threatened to do the same to her, told her that she would never escape him-- she had no choice.

She had to defend herself.

Meisal remembered Fsanian's strangled screams, remembered his face, contorted with agony, his mouth gaping, that horrible oily substance spilling out-- (Meisal actually happened to know what that substance was, it was his blood, and it would continue to spill out of his mouth until he died. That was how that type of alien died, they lost every ounce of blood in their body.)Meisal had been holding onto Fsanian's neck, her Jotun form meaning that anyone whose bare skin she touched would be burned by white-hot fire. She held on, watching as her hands seared into the alien's skin, watching as she burned his flash away, watched as she killed him.

But Meisal hadn't wanted to kill him-- she hadn't wanted to kill anybody. So she let go, and she ran. She ran into the nearest ship and she sped away, leaving Fsanian there to suffer, leaving the entire Order there to hate her. Meisal had hated herself for what she'd done, but she'd only had a few minutes to hate herself before she'd been shot down.

Now, however, Meisal could hate herself even more. She could hate herself for almost eternity, because no matter how hard she tried, to couldn't blot out her past. She couldn't erase her own name-- the name of her father.

Meisal Laufeydaughter. Gods, she hated that name. Laufey, who had slaughtered her village, left her with nothing-- that same man had been her father. He had abandoned her as a child, because she was a runt-- but she had always hated him. Always wished him dead.

But now wasn't the time for remorse. Now was the time for action.

Meisal shrank back into her human form, immediately feeling much more comfortable in her smaller, stealthier body. She refused to look at the Avengers-- not even Loki, because she knew he'd be angry that she'd kept this a secret. Instead, she walked right to Fsanian, head held high, sword at the ready (she'd picked one up from the ground) and prepared herself to fight.

She never got to. Loki got there first.

He materialized behind Fsanian, holding his dagger, and stabbed him in the neck. Fsanian roared, whirling around to see who had attacked him, and upon seeing Loki, he immediately grabbed him by the throat and wrestled him to the ground. Meisal dived on top of the pair, slashing and stabbing at Fsanian wherever she could, searching fro cracks in his armor, anything. Loki was underneath both of them, gasping for air and fighting against Fsanian's grip, his face turning blue.

Wait-- blue?

In a heartbeat, Loki had transformed. He was no longer pale, his eyes no longer the colour of the sea-- rather, he was blue, red eyed, and Jotun.

Oh, my gods. Loki was Meisal's brother.

Meisal had barely recovered from her shock before Fsanian let out another shrill scream and went flying, bringing Meisal with him. She screamed as she flew up into the air and landed with a painful thud on the grassy earth, a few feet from Fsanian. She struggled to her feet, scanning the field for Loki, and saw him coming towards them, still in his Jotun form. Meisal found herself smiling, then found herself changing as well.

Fsanian was wise. He knew he couldn't take on two frost giants at once, but he also knew that he wanted them. He wanted Meisal to come back and fight for him, and wanted this other-- obviously her brother, for he knew she had one, and he could see the family resemblance-- to be his. But how could he make that so?

Fsanian called for his ship. It was handy, he recollected as it flew towards him, to be able to speak to your ships with your mind. As she vessel drew near, Fsanian jumped, and as it sped beneath him, he landed on the wing and then disappeared inside of it.

Loki was disappointed, but when he turned to Meisal, he saw a look of relief on her face. "They're leaving," she explained, sliding back into her human form. "Fsanian retreats a lot."

Sure enough, his alien entourage began racing to the ship which was hovering a few meters above the ground, scrambling over one another to get in. Meisal watched them leave, watched them run, and she felt oddly peaceful, even if she hadn't done anything.

The ship began to fly away, and the Avengers gathered around, watching it go-- and watching Meisal. Thor's eyes were darting back and forth between her, then to Loki, then back to her, and then back to Loki again. Tony was just staring at her, his mask flipped up, his eyebrows furrowed and his mouth twitching, and Paul-- no wait, his name was Peter!-- was ogling at her. Meisal felt almost ashamed to face them, but she knew she had to. Loki opened his mouth to say something, but before he could, he was interrupted by a huge beam shooting out of the sky and hitting him right in the side.

Meisal screamed. Tony flipped his mask back down and raised his arms, prepared to fight. Thor raised his hammer and swung it. Loki fell, but the beam wasn't something that hurt him-- in fact, it was something worse.

The beam radiated light that blinded Meisal. She blocked her eyes and stumbled backwards, squinting to see what was going on. Through the blinding light, she could barely make out Loki's green and black tinged silhouette, lying on the ground, then getting up, then flying upwards--

Wait-- flying?

Loki yelled in surprise as he was lifted up and started flying. He struggled, but nothing was holding him and there was nothing to fight. He was simply being pulled up by some unseen force, leaving the earth behind--

Fsanian. Fsanian was pulling him up, bringing him to his Order. Bringing him onboard so that Loki could be his prisoner.

There was nothing Loki could do as he was pulled into the ship but watch the doors close before him, locking his friends out and himself in.


Okay, that was short and kind of confusing, but whatever. Hurrah for GOTG references!

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