Chapter 6

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I woke up at 3:30 to my phone buzzing under my pillow. God Dammit Nash. 

He usually does this if hes up. He will mess with me and wake me up. 

I looked at it and it was Allie. 


"Cass I need you to come over here right now its an emergency!" She cried. 

"Ill Be over in five" I said before hanging up. 

I got up quietly and changed into come sweats and slipped my old converse on. I threw my hair up in a messy bun and tied Cams big shirt up so it wasnt so long on me. 

I grabbed my purse and ran out of the house. I got in my car and sped the couple blocks down to her house. 

I skid to a stop and got out of my car and ran to her door. 

I swung it open and the house was quite. "Allie?" I asked. I herd some sniffling coming from upstairs. I ran up their and sure enough Braydon was comforting her. 

She looked up at me and ran to me. "What the hell is wrong?" I asked concerned. 

"M-m-my brother g-g-got in a c-car crash" She stuttered. "Calm down breathe, I can barley understand you"

A couple minutes later after she breathed in and out, I could finally understand her but she was still choked up" 

"My brother got in a car crash and he is in critical condition. I cant even see him!! My parents are both over there. They said they will call me when they hear from the docters" She cried softly. 

I embraced her in a hug and rubber her back. 

"I promise you everything will be okay" I ensured her. "I need to tell you something" 

SHe gave me a confused look. I looked at Braydon and he got up and left the room. 

"Whats wrong?" Allie asked.

"Nothing is wrong. Its good news" I smiled. 

"Okay spill" 

"Im dating Cameron" I smiled.

Her smile turned into a frown. 

"Whats wrong?" I questioned

"youve only known this guy 2 days and you start dating him already?" 

"Yeah but we talked all night and we got to know each other a lot more" 

"He probably just wants to get in your pants" she scoffed. 

I stayed silent. Is she right? 

"But he wouldn't do that" I said.

"Look all Im saying is that I think you guys are going to fast with all this. How far have you gone with him?" 

"We've kissed and cuddled and all that normal couple stuff."

"Have you slept with him yet?" 

"No! Not like that. It was our first time falling asleep with each other last night"

"See! He is trying to see how vulnerable you are! Its been done to me! I know its happened to me before"

"Its happened to me too and we both know how insecure I was after! But I trust Cameron he wouldnt do that to me!" 

"Okay, If you say so." 

I was upset that she even brought that up. But the thing Im wondering is, is it true?

I got a text from Cam. 

From: Cam <3

Where are you?!?

To: Cam <3

Im at Allies house. Sorry It was an emergency! I will be back before noon

From Cam<3

Oh okay :( 

I didn't want to reply. 

"Allie I need some sleep. In the morning we will go to the hospital and check up on your brother okay?" I told her. 

She nodded and smiled. 

I walked down stairs and laid on the couch. 

The same question kept running threw my mind.

Will Cameron do that?


I woke up and yawned. It was 8 in the morning. ughhhh. 

I pulled myself up and into the kitchen. 

I looked through the fridge and pulled out some yogert. 

I sat back down on the couch and went threw twitter. 

Allie came down the stairs with Braydon and they were both smiling

I raised my eyebrow at them and their smiles got even bigger. 

"Braydon can you please wait outside?" Allie said as he blushed and walked outside. 

"Whats up with you two?" I asked

She just blushed. 

"You guys had sex after I left the room didnt you!" 

"Maybe" she said and looked down at her feet. 

I playfully slapped her arm. 

"What?! We have been dating for 2 years so its okay" She defended. 

I just rolled my eyes and we walked out of the house.

"Can we take my car? After we go to the hospital I can just drop you guys back off since I need to get home" I asked. 

They agreed and we got into my car. 

As we drove to the hostpital we where talking about collage. 

Once we arrived we all ran inside and went to the lady at the desk.

"We need to see Noah Duler" I asked the lady. 

"ID please" She said. 

"Its my fucking brother! He got in a car crash and I have been waiting all morning to see him and hes in critical condtion and Your going to make me pull out my ID? Maybe you need to pull out your ID and take a better look at it because I dont think you suit this job" Allie growled. 

"Hes in room 342, 3rd floor!" She scoffed and went back to typing on her computer. 

"Thanks" Allie said fake smiling and we walked to the elevator. 

"Nice job Allie! Thats my girl" I smiled. 

She laughed and we all piled out of the elevator. We sped walked to the room and walked in. 

Her parents where talking with the doctor and they seemed relived and overjoyed. 

"Allie!" Her mom said and came to give her a hug. "Hi Cass, Hi Braydon" She smiled. 

"So is he going to be okay?" Allie asked. 

"Yes he is sweetheart. He just needs to rest. He has 2 broken ribs, and a broken ankle but he will be fine. He also will have some serious head aches but he will be fine in a couple months" She smiled.


I dropped Allie and Braydon back off at her house and started to drive back to mine. 

So you know that question thats been running through my head allllll morning. Well Ive made my decision.

I need to break up with him..

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