Chapter 13

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Cass' P.O.V.


Today is finally the day where I get to go and record my first single with JASON DERULO!

Of course the recording session was in LA so I had to fly out here. We are coming back tomorrow night for Magcon on Saturday.

I only brought Allie because she sings and shes my best friend and I need support. You feel? 

I feel like Me and Cam should be having some free time to ourselves because we are constantly seeing each other everyday and I feel like I may be forcing him into being with me.

We still aren't dating but it feels like we are. All the fans are convinced that we are so we just tell them that we aren't. But what fans listen nowadays 

I sat up yawning and I looked at my alarm. It was 10:30! Shit! I only have 2 hours to get ready and be at the place.

I scrambled out of bed and over to my suitcase. I decided on wearing this. I wanted to look casual but to casual to the point where you look like your going to dinner with the president. 

I did light makeup and straightened my brown hair. and pulled on my black sandals.

I grabbed my purse and looked at Allie. Im so jealous of her. 

Shes perfect. Perfect body, perfect style, perfect hair, like ugh. It bothers me!

"You ready?"  She asked standing up from the hotel bed. 

"Yup" I said nervously. 

She walked to me and stood in front of me. "Look You will do great! Just act like its me and you singing in your recording studio but I just have a different voice" She smiled and winked at me. I smiled at her and hugged her. 

"Thanks All" I said pulling away and we both walked out the door out to my nice rental car.


We arrived at the studio and walked to the front desk. 

"Hello Ladys, How may I help you?" A young boy in his 20's winked. 

We ignored it. 

"We are here to see Jason Derulo? Im Cassandra Grier?" I asked. 

He went to the computer and typed in my name and gave us both a pass.

"Have a nice day ladys" He winked again as we started walking of. Before we turned the corner we herd a whistle. I kept walking but Allie stopped and turned around back up to that dude. She grabbed a hold of the collar of his shirt.

"Listen here you little prick. Im unavailable and  so is she so you better keep that mouth of your shut before I shut it for you. Am I clear?" She spat while grinding her teeth.

He nodded and she threw him to the floor. "Okay lets go" She smiled all sweetly. I ust laughed and we walked down the hallway to Studio B.

We knocked on the door and a Lady swung it open. "You Must be Cassandra Grier" She smiled. "You may call me Cass and this is my friend Allie" I smiled. 

"Nice to finally meet you two. Come in. I looked around the studio and it was realy nice. I saw Jason in the little recording place doing different harmonies for the song.

He looked up and smiled. He walked out and came to us. 

"Hi Cassandra and?" He asked.

"Allie Duler" SHe smiled putting her hand out. "Nice to meet you" He smiled 

"Pleasure" Allie said sitting down on the couch behind her. 

"So Cassandra lets get started?" He asked in more of a demanding question.

I nodded "Yeah! Lets do it! And you can call me Cass" 

"Okay great!" He said as we both entered the little recording box thing. 

I have been singing non-stop rehearsing the lyrics since I got the paper a week ago.

"You ready?" He looked at me. 

I nodded and smiled putting on the headset. 


 After about an hour of re-dos and background voices we were finished

We listened to it and we both loved it. We hugged and exchanged numbers so we can do future duets together. 

We left happy and i got a notification telling me that our new song was now viral!

I bought it and plugged my phone into the AUX cord and soon enough Vertigo  was filling my car with sound. 

"I still cant believe how perfect you sound!" Allie exclaimed 

"I dont sound that good!" I pouted. 

I could her eyes burning into the side of my head. 

I kept driving. 

Finally we arrived back at the hotel. 

We leave tomorrow morning at 9:15 so we have to packed and ready for tomorrow. 

"want to go to lunch or dinner?" Allie asked. 

"Dinner sounds good" I smiled. 

"Okay we should go to like TGI'S or something because im in the mood for something like that."

"I havent been to TGIS in forever!!!! Why dont we just do that?"

"Okay" She smiled. 

We pulled up to the hotel. I parked and we walked inside. 

We walked up to our room and we unlocked the door. 

We sat down and just went on our electronics. 

I got a call from Cameron and I happily answered it. 

"Hey Baby!" He said before I could.
"Hi Cam"
"Thats all I get?" 
"Fine! Hi baby" 
"hehe Hi! I he-" He got cut off by what sounds like Carters voice. 
"OMG CASS YOUR SO AMAZING AT SINGING!" Carter screamed into the phone. 
"I was going to say that carter!" 
"To Bad!" 
I just started laughing. 
"Is that Carter?" Allie asked.
I nodded and she ran to me. 
"Hi Carter" She said happily. 
"Okay Can i talk to Cameron again?" 
"Im right here babe" 
I sounded like he was running away from Carter. 
"You sound beautiful" 
"Awe thanks"


We kept taking for a coupe hours before I had to get ready for dinner. 

I just put on some jeans and a t-shirt then slid on my converse. 

We walked out the door to go eat at TGI'S

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