5 - Confusion

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Things kinda went back to normal after the strange conversation Camila had had with Lauren that one afternoon about two weeks ago at the cafe. It was two months ago now, that she'd had her first day of school and everything had started to feel quite normal. Everything but her bond with Lauren Jauregui.

You see sometimes the green eyed beauty would act cold and bitchy towards the brunette. Making snarky remarks and saying ugly things to her in her English class. But sometimes, and Camila knew it was rare, but sometimes Lauren would give her this look when they'd accidentally have eye-contact, or when they'd bump into one another in the hallways or by their lockers.

They never really talked. Not even about the fact that Lauren had most likely heard everything Camila had told Ally that one day in the school bathroom. She'd come out to her friend, told her she was gay, practically told her she had a crush on the green eyed girl and yet she didn't talk to her about it. Maybe that was because of the fact that Ally had called Lauren a bitch and trouble. Camila hadn't meant for Lauren to hear all that, but she must have been in one of the stalls when she'd been talking to Ally. How dramatic and high school-ish.

At least Camila knew now, that Lauren would never want to be friends with her and would never ever want even more than that. Lauren was with Aiden and Aiden was a dick and that was that. And actually, Lauren was a dick as well. She'd practically called Camila ugly and she'd made fun of her like no one had done in a long, long while. Camila had cried a lot. For half a week actually, until Ally had told her she should come back to school, because of her grades and because she missed her. She had listened and here she was, she'd been back at school for over a week and she felt okay. She had friends, she got good grades, she just still.. kinda wanted Lauren.

"Watch it, fuckface!" A voice rang through the hallway of Fergan High. Camila immediately recognised it as Lauren's.

"You bumped into me, bitch."

Camila rushed over to where the noise was coming from, Ally by her side. a group of people was already gathered around the shouting pair. It was Lauren, and much to Camila's surprise, Rob.

"You did not just call me a bitch.." Lauren said, a small grin on her face as she stared at the large guy in front of her. Camila hadn't seen her yet today, and was surprised to see that she had an ugly cut on her left cheek and a black right eye. 'Has Rob hit her?' She thought to herself before she looked how Lauren pushed Rob back and his heavy body slammed against the lockers.

"What the fuck, Jauregui.." He said, trying to remain calm while everyone around them was riling them up. "Look I don't know who the fuck did that to you, but you need to calm the fuck down." He pointed at the bruises on her face.

"Don't fucking tell me what to do." Lauren said, pushing him back against the lockers again.

Out of nowhere, Dylan, Aiden and Rick appeared. They stood in the audience as well and Camila watched how Aiden looked kinda proud at the way Lauren was behaving. "Go get him, babe." She heard him say as Lauren pushed Rob away again.

"Rob, let's leave.." Ally called out then. She stepped out of the crowd and into the empty circle. "Come on. Don't let her rile you up. You'll get in trouble."

Lauren smirked at the large redhead, and pushed him again, his back smacking against the lockers once again. "Hey!" Camila called out then, her voice louder than she'd expected. People turned their heads around to look at her. "Stop it!"

Lauren let out a chuckle. "What are you going to do about it, Cabello."

"Watch out or she'll call her dad!" Aiden called out, making several people laugh, including his friends of course. Camila's eyes averted towards him and she shook her head. "Shut up, Pierce." She said through gritted teeth, feeling anger boil up when thinking about how much of a douchebag he was

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