9 - Get Out

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"This is it." Lauren said, moving a few branches aside to reveal a stunning, big, moonlit, lake. Camila gasped when seeing it and understood immediately, why this would be Lauren's favourite spot.

"This is amazing!" Camila breathed out, as she followed Lauren towards a fallen tree, where she took a seat. The two girls stared over the water, in which the moonlight was beautifully reflected, together with some stars and even some trees in the distance. Grey pebbles covered the ground and made the whole thing look even more magical. "How'd you find this place?"

Lauren, sitting on the log as Camila just kinda stood next to it, stared at the water and shrugged. "Long story." She mumbled, vaguely as ever.

Camila sat down next to her however and nudged her with her shoulder softly. "We've got time."

A tiny smile appeared on Lauren's face. She wasn't really used to people really listening to her stories or anything she had to say really. Of course in the past, Aiden would, but that all changed. So now she mainly kept her thoughts to herself and only let the negative shit flow out from time to time.

"Well, back when my dad was still a semi-nice guy, he used to bring me here and he'd fish over there, with a big rod and all, and I'd usually swim here, play with the pebbles and just like.. enjoy life you know." She told the girl next to her, who was staring at her face again as she herself stared at the water and the almost full-moon that reflected so beautifully into it. "We'd go almost every weekend when I was younger." She smiled, right before it faltered. "Before my mom died that was.." She added, looking down and kicking some of the pebbles away with her black vans.

"It's probably nice though, to have some good memories of your dad, right?" Camila wondered, curious as ever.

Lauren shrugged, looking back up again. "I guess it is." She said. "It also makes it a lot harder to hate him though, even when he's like.. flipping out, you know?"

Camila nodded. "I can imagine."

They sat in silence for a while before Lauren spoke up, looking at the side of Camila's face. The girl looked amazing in the faint moonlight, amazing as always. "What did you think when you first saw me?"

Camila smiled, a little taken aback by Lauren's kinda personal question. "Hmm.." She said, thinking as she turned her head slightly, to face the girl. "Honestly, I thought you we're extremely gorgeous." She decided to say, to which Lauren quickly looked away, her heart rate speeding up involuntarily. It's something she wishes wouldn't happen every time the girl next to her would give her a compliment. "It's your eyes I think.." Camila continues. Lauren could feel the other girl was still staring at the side of her face. "You have these magical emerald eyes that nearly killed me the first time I stared into them." Camila said, shrugging after she's done speaking.

"Jheez, casanova.." Lauren breathed out, trying to make the situation a little lighter.

"What?" Camila giggled, making Lauren look at her again. "You asked." She shrugged.

"I didn't expect this.. kind of answer.." Lauren replied honestly, momentarily looking into Camila's eyes, then to her lips and then quickly back at her own feet.

"Well what about you?"

"Hmm?" Lauren hummed, distracted by her own thoughts.

"What did you think of me when you first saw me?" Camila's sweet voice asked.

Lauren smiled, remembering their strange first encounter. "I was weirdly drawn to you." She admitted with a small grin on her face. "I didn't really understand that, cause you were wearing this really ugly blue sweater with some white jeans and your chucks and I-"

The Mystery That Is Lauren Jauregui - A Camren Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now