18 - Snow

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Lauren appeared at school nine days after her father's passing.

She ignored everyone, including Camila.

The past week had been a nightmare for her. First of all, her father had died, which was horrendous itself. But second of all, her crazy ex-boyfriend was keeping a close eye on her and would come by every night, to check up on her, but mostly to check if she was keeping her mouth shut.

He hadn't touched her since the incident. Apparently, he wasn't that fucked up.

Lauren felt sad and angry at the same time, at both herself, her Aiden and the situation. Mostly at herself though. How could she have been so dumb? She should've known that Aiden would be at her place waiting for her. She'd skipped the game he'd told her to attend. Of course he'd be there.

Also, how could she have been so stupid to lie about the situation? She felt like a weak little bitch, in the grip of this sick guy who's trying to save his own sorry ass. "Hey, watch it!" She shouted at a small boy, who'd almost bumped into her as she was on her way to her Maths class. Okay maybe the sadness that she'd felt the past week, had now turned into anger.

The boy mumbled a nervous 'sorry' before quickly making his way out of her sight. Lauren had figured she'd be the bitch she used to be. The bitch she used to be before she met Camila. It was harder than ever before though, because all she really wanted was to sit in a corner and cry. But she wouldn't show that to the world. Not to her old friends, not to Camila, who wasn't allowed to know anything about the whole thing, and especially not to Aiden, who was keeping an eye on her 24/7.

"You alright, babe?" He cooed into her ear as she made her way down the hallway. "You seem a bit tense." Lauren pushed his arm away, which he had tried to sneak around her shoulders. He smelled like he'd smoked a shit ton of weed during the lunch-break. And he looked like it too.

"Fuck off. Don't touch me." She said, pushing him away. She was keeping up her bitchy facade while he shook his lazy face and shortly took some distance before moving closer again.

"Oh, what's the matter. I thought-"

She didn't know where she got the courage and power from, but when he tried putting his arm around her again, she slammed him into some lockers, his droopiness working in her favour. "Listen dickhead," She hissed into his ear as he was stood against the lockers. "If you want me to keep your little secret, you'll never ever be touching me again. Understood?"

He didn't reply, yet stared at her face. Lauren realised then that he was really, really high.

She slammed her hand into his crotch then, realising just how angry she was at the guy that had controlled her life for so long. She knew he wouldn't do anything in school and she had something to hold against him, which helped her case. He groaned.

"Understood?" She hissed, squeezing his balls tightly.

He nodded quickly. "And stop checking up on me every fucking night." She added. "I'm fine."

And with that, she turned around and made her way to her Maths class. Multiple faces were pointed in her direction. Shocked faces, but mostly scared faces. Nobody wanted to get in her way. Nobody except for Camila Cabello, who'd tried her very best to stay away from the green eyed girl the whole morning, not wanting to piss Aiden off. She was being held back by her friends as well. But the brunette had just witnessed Lauren's little interaction with her ex-boyfriend and needed to know how she was doing.

"Lauren.." She breathed out, suddenly standing in front of her, in the middle of the hallway.

Their eyes met for the first time in nine days. So much had happened. Camila just wanted to run up to the girl and envelop in the tightest hug ever. Lauren wanted just that. She wanted to be lost in their own little world again. She wanted to talk with the girl about their dreams for the future, about the music they liked, about the pets they wanted to own later. She wanted it all, but knew all too well that it couldn't be like that, not after all the shit that had happened.

The Mystery That Is Lauren Jauregui - A Camren Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now