10 - We'll Fix It

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Camila was sat in her family car the day after her uncle's funeral. She and her family had flown back to Fergan on Sunday, after having spent a strange day with family members, she and her younger sister barely knew.

"Almost there kids." Her father announced as the big, wooden 'Welcome to Fergan', sign welcomed them back into their new hometown.

Sofi was sleeping on Camila's shoulder, as they were sat on the backseat of the large family car. Her dad was driving and her mother sat next to him, staring out of the window. Everyone had cried a lot this weekend, and now that the tears were pretty much all shed, everybody felt kinda strange and empty, even Camila. And it certainly didn't help that Lauren hadn't texted her back at all, since Friday. She's worried that something must be going on with the green eyed girl. And so she had a plan.

"Kar- C- Camila, where are you going sweetheart?"

"I have to visit a friend, she hasn't been-"

She heard her father take a deep breath from the other side of the car, as the whole family was still getting out of the vehicle and Camila was almost already on her way to go to Lauren's place. "Let me guess.." Her father sighed. "Lauren Jauregui?"

The brunette's eyebrows furrowed before she shrugged. "Maybe.." She answered vaguely.

"Camila.." Her mother said then, worry laced in her voice. Sofi just stared at the family exchange with sleepy eyes, her teddybear in her hand.

"Mom.." Camila said, rolling her eyes. "Lauren is a friend of mine and she needs someone to look after her sometimes."

"Doesn't she have other friends to do that, sweetie?"

"No she doesn't." Camila and her father replied at the same time. The brown eyed girl shot her dad a surprised look, but he shrugged. "And she doesn't have any family taking care of her either." He added. "But that doesn't mean you have to make sure she's alright every second of the day, Camila. You have your own friends as well and your schoolwork.." He trailed off.

"I know dad, but Lauren is a- a good friend and-"

"Isn't that other girl- ehm.. what was her name.." Her mother interrupted her.

"Ally?" Camila wondered, leaning against the car as she spoke to her worried parents.

"Yes," Her mom smiled. "Ally. She's a great girl. You should bring her over more often. She's-"

"Normal, sweet, rich and very christian?" Camila filled in, a bored look on her face. "Can I please choose my friends mom? Ally is great and all, but right now I wanna go see Lauren. Okay?"

Her mother shared a look with her dad before looking back at her oldest daughter seconds later and nodding. "Okay but d-don't get involved with her.. problematic stuff, okay honey?" She said to Camila, who, yet again, rolled her eyes and then nodded before quickly making her way off her parents property.

It took about twenty minutes for her to reach Lauren's house, which seemed to be looking even worse than last time. Of course she wasn't judging the girl for this, but the grass hadn't been mowed for a long while and the weeds and plants that once stood next to the house, had started to take over. She stood on the pavement for a while, contemplating wether she should do this or not. She didn't want to piss Lauren's drunk father off and create an even more difficult home situation for the green eyed girl. But on the other hand, she just really wanted to know if Lauren was okay, since she didn't reply to any of her texts or calls.

And so she rang the bell.

It took a while before someone stumbled into the hallway, and Camila could immediately hear that Lauren wouldn't be the one opening the door, judging by the sounds that came from the other side of the door. She was proven right when a grey haired man opened the door of the Jauregui house.

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