14 - Something Wild

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"Good morning to you too, grumpy-face.." Lauren said as soon as Camila had walked past her and hadn't really said anything yet, apart for a small grunt that wasn't even really a word.

"It's early.." Camila mumbled then, shortly before Lauren grabbed her hand and spun her around.

"I didn't know you were this much of a grump in the morning." The green eyed girl smiled. She was wearing a dark green beanie today and her leather jacket, but she wore a thick sweater underneath. She also wore non-ripped skinny jeans, which was kind of a miracle.

Camila nodded, the bags underneath her eyes showing. She'd gotten up 30 minutes earlier than she normally would, just to walk to school with Lauren, instead of being driven there by her mom. "Oh, you don't really know that much about me." She said, a small grin on her face as she leaned in and pressed a kiss to Lauren's cheek.

Lauren chuckled as she watched how Camila turned around again and the two started making their way to Fergan High, hand in hand. "Well tell me something then." She said. "Something I don't know yet."

"My hamster died when I was eight."

Lauren let out a laugh but then shook her head. "Not really the kinda information I was hoping for." She told the brunette, who was now smiling as well. "But I'll accept it. Tell me something else though."

"My sister cut a part of my hair off when she was five." Camila said then. The loudest laugh yet, came out of Lauren's mouth.

"No way!" The girl said, a hand clasped in front of her own mouth. "Whoa, that must've sucked."

Camila giggled and then nodded. "Now it's your turn."

"I don't have any-"

"Lauren.." Camila sighed. "Come on."

The green eyed girl sighed as the two girl made their way to school, walking at the side of the road. "Fine. I dyed my hair red like.. four years ago."

Camila gasped. "No way?"


"Do you have pictures."

"Duh, but I won't show you. I'm not that crazy."

Camila giggled but then shook her head. "Fine." She shrugged. "My favourite food is pizza."

"Mine is pancakes."

"Really? So I made you your favourite food, the first time we ever shared a meal together?"

Camila watched, with a smile on her face, how Lauren rolled her eyes. "Romantic huh?" She said.

Even though Lauren hadn't really said anything particularly wrong, Camila suddenly felt extremely insecure about whatever they were or could be. Maybe Lauren didn't think they could be anything at all. Maybe Lauren would never find anything that Camila would do, romantic.

"Hey whats up? You're kinda zoning out on me." Lauren said, squeezing Camila's hand shortly. The brunette however, let go of her hand and ran her fingers through her hair. "Camz?" Lauren asked, sounding confused. "What's-"

"Lauren.." Camila sighed."

"Okay whoa, you sound way too serious suddenly. What did I say?"

Camila smiled bitterly. "I don't really know." She admitted. "But I- I'm wondering if you-" She mumbled, not finding the right words. They had still been walking but Lauren pulled at her arm, so that she would stop and look at her.

"Lauren, do you like me?" She asked then, looking into the girl's eyes. "Becau-because I think I like you and I don't want to fall for you and then get my heart broken."

The Mystery That Is Lauren Jauregui - A Camren Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now