17 - What Happened

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"Ambulance, ambulance, we have to call an ambulance.. ambulance.. ambulance.." Lauren muttered, her hands on top of her ears. Both Aiden and her were now standing in the pool of blood, which had grown significantly bigger the past five minutes. "Ambulance, we have to ca-"

"Shut up!" Aiden snapped at her, his eyes opened wide as he stared at the man that he had pushed down the stairs.

"W-we have to call an ambu-" Lauren had been making her way to the other side of the room, to the telephone that stood on a table next to the tv. Bloody footsteps made their way accros the room, following her.

"No!" Aiden had shouted then, rushing after her and snatching the phone right out of her hands. "We're not calling anyone. We'll- we'll fix it. Let me- just let me think."

Lauren shook her head violently, her green eyes once more pulling towards her dead father, laying at the bottom of the staircase, his body covered in blood and his limbs twisted in an odd way. "Ambulance.. ambulance, we have to call an ambulance.."

"Lauren, he's dead!" Aiden shouted at her, grabbing her wrists. "What are they gonna do about it?!" He then turned around again to watch how the corpse laid at the bottom of the stairs and shook his head. "Fuck.."

Lauren looked down at her wrists, which were now covered with her father's blood, just like the bottom of her boots already were. She couldn't think clearly, her mind was one big foggy mess and she just wanted everything to be alright. She wished that Camila was there with her nice Camila scented hair and her safe and warm Camila hugs. She wished to feel safe and warm. She wished that she could turn back time and that she would've stayed at the other girl's place. At least her father would still be alive then. "My father.." She mumbled then, as if coming to a realisation that the dead man at the bottom of the stairs is indeed her father. "He's- he's dead.."

"I didn't do it on purpose." Aiden said, tears forming in his eyes as he turned around to face his ex-girlfriend once again. "I- I- He- he pushed me too, you saw that, right?"

Lauren stared at his face, even more bruises forming on it than before. She blinked a few times before shaking her head, remembering why the boy had come here in the first place. "Y-You-" She stuttered. "You killed my dad."

Aiden shook his head. "N-no Lauren.. baby, I didn't kill him. He pushed me and I pushed him and it- it was self defence-"

"Don't-" Lauren snapped. "Don't you dare call me baby." She spat at the boy, who quickly shook his head again.

"Self defence.." He repeated. "That's right, he was attacking us because he hates me.." He mumbled, his blue eyes lighting up a little more. "He was attacking us because he doesn't like our relationship."

Lauren squinted her eyes. "We- we're not together, Aiden.." She said, not understanding what the hell her ex-boyfriend was trying to do.

"Call the ambulance. Now." Aiden said. Lauren gave him a weird look, not getting why now suddenly she was allowed to call an ambulance. "Go, do it." Aiden said, picking up the old looking phone and pushing it in Lauren's hands. "Tell them what happened. We were having sex in the bedroom when he stormed in and-"

"No." Lauren said, interrupting him. "You- you were- I didn't want- I- W-We weren't- that- that wasn't what was happening."

His eyes turned a little darker again, and Lauren could see the frustration build up in his body. He took a step towards her and grabbed her arm. "We had sex, you enjoyed yourself, he stormed in, he fought with me. Understood?" He said, looking down at her as she quickly nodded her head in fear and pressed the familiar, three digit emergency number.

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