8 - Come With Me

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It was Thursday, two days had passed since Lauren had come over to Camila's place in the middle of the night. Two nights had passed and Camila had trouble sleeping, her mind continuously being occupied with Lauren's green eyes. She hadn't seen her at school and it wouldn't surprise her if she hadn't gone at all.

The two hadn't texted or called. Camila wanted Lauren to pull the first move for once and was impatiently waiting for the green eyed girl to reach out to her as she sat at home, eating her spaghetti while watching an episode of Greys Anatomy. Her hair was pulled up in a ponytail, her mascara smudged underneath her eyes slightly, from dramatically crying when a patient on the show died, and she was wearing the large, dark blue cookie-monster shirt that still slightly smelled like Lauren.

She'd almost finished her meal when the bell rang. The brown haired girl wasn't really expecting anybody and so she expected it to maybe be a package for her. She'd ordered a few new shirts last week and they'd be delivered somewhere this week.

When she opened the door however, tomato-sauce still sticking onto her cheek, she was surprised to see that Lauren Jauregui was stood in front of her door, a bright smile on her face.

"Uhm.. eh.. hi?" Camila said, quickly wiping the corners of her mouth with the back of her hand, watching how Lauren chuckled before giving a short nod in her direction. "Hey."

"I- I mean I like you showing up here but like-"

"You haven't seen me for two days and I haven't texted you and it's a school night so you'd like to work on your school shit, I know." Said Lauren, a smile on her face as her eyes glistened happily. Camila would almost say the girl looked rather happy to see her.

Camila smiled back at the girl, hoping no pasta would be stick in between her teeth. "Yeah, that."

"But.." Lauren said, to which Camila already rolled her eyes. "I have been quite busy with some shit the past couple of days-"

"What kinda shit?" Camila wondered curiously, interrupting the slightly older girl.

"Some shit for Aiden. That's not the point though, I-"

"What kinda shit?" Camila asked again, narrowing her eyes slightly.

Lauren rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Not the point, grandma."

"Did you just-"

"Anyway, I'm free tonight and I was wondering if you and I- well.. if you'd like to come with me?"

Camila, a small grin playing on her face, almost immediately nodded but then decided against that, wanting to give the green eyed girl a slightly harder time. "I don't know.." She sighed, leaning against the doorframe. "I mean it's a school night.."

She noticed how Lauren's face kinda fell and how the green eyed girl furrowed her eyebrows in disappointment. "W-we don't have to- like.. we can do it some other time.." The raven haired girl trailed off, waving her hand a little.

"Yeah you know, I haven't spoken to you in two days.." Camila continued, having a hard time holding a smile back. "And maybe we should like.. not hang out.."

Lauren's eyes widened for a mere second before the girl looked down at her black vans and she nodded. "Yeah, I understand. Sure- I-"

Camila bursted out into laughter then and she jumped forward, enveloping the other girl in a tight hug. Lauren looked up, confused, and furrowed her eyebrows once again. "Oh my god, you are such a fucking dick.." She breathed out in relief. "I literally thought you were going to ditch me and I- wow.. you're a dick.."

The Mystery That Is Lauren Jauregui - A Camren Fanfic-Where stories live. Discover now